Ive Made My Desicion


Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
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Hi guys
I have finally made my desicion and I have decided to give up the corals and just have a FOWLR, which will give me a chance to specialise in harder to look after fish species which would not be reef suitable like butterflies and angels.

I must say, i am looking forward to getting some unreef safe butterflies in my tank like the racoon ect.

I will be posting another thread tomorrow with picutres of all my corals which I am selling because I would like help with how much I should try and sell them for, how muhc they are worth ect.

I will also be able to sell some gear like powerheads and halide lighting too which i really only need for the reef.

And one last thing, my birthday is in July and I have asked my parents for a coustom built tank around the 180gallon - 200gallon mark so if this goes ahead I think my plan would be to sell my six line wrasse and emperor cardinals as they are my smallest 3 fish. I would then transfer the 5 yellow tangs, pinktail trigger, coral beauty and foxface rabbitfish to the larger tank. Then I would have lots more space for other fish.
I was thinking that if I get this tank my end stocking would be something like this:
-7 yellow tangs (id get 2 more)
-powder blue tang
-lipstick tang
-pinktail trigger
-foxface rabbit fish
-pair of raccoon butterflies
-regal angel
-blue face angel

and possibly one of two others depending on what i fancy at the time.

So yes, there we go my decision is made now im hoping to get all my corals sold before i move house in june :crazy:

sounds like you have thought it through, sounds good to me. One thing i would do is skip the other two yellow tangs and have somethig a bit different been as you already have 5.
To be honest ben, I couldnt agree more. Just after I posted this I thought to myself what valuble space they would be taking up so I thought that I would go down the route of something a little trickier like a copperband butterfly once I had had more experience with difficult fish. After all, I wont have corals to worry about getting to feed, so I would concentrate on that.

What do you guys think about my stocking ideas for a future larger tank? Sound good? What would you add if it was yours?

this is some other fish you could try

rock beauty angel queen angel french angel blue ring angel emperor angel majestic angel blue spotted angel passers angel asufs angel gray angel flagfin angel koran angel
Personifer Angelfish six banded angel cream angel Gold Tail Angelfish bi colour angel


pyramaid butterfly whimple butterfly adidas butterfly Falcula Butterfly Saddleback Butterflyfish Vagabond Butterflyfish raffles butterfly copperband butterfly Pakistan Butterflyfish dot dash butterfly tear drop butterfly


Orbiculate Batfish Pinnate Batfish Longfin Batfish pinate batfish


clown trigger jigsaw trigger humu trigger


stars and strip puffer - panda puffer -spiny puffer


bird mouth wrasse formossa wrasse lyertail wrasse blue headed wrasse bananna wrassse paddle finn wrasse pink face wrasse Harlequin Tusk #

marine betta

file fish

matted file spotted file tassle file


spotted sweetlips

thats all i can think of for a fish only tank

regards scott
Thanks for the list of fish there scott, deffinatly gave me some more options to think about.

Here is a list (some of which scott has already mentioned :good: ) of angels and butterlys, tangs and anything else that really appeal to me and the ones i go for will most likley be in this list.

-Threadfin butterflyfish
-Falcula butterflyfish
-Lined butterflyfish
-Raccoon butterflyfish
-Tinkers butterflyfish
-Doublesaddle butterflyfish
-Yellow longnose butterflyfish
-Pyramid butterflyfish
-Copperband butterflyfish eventually

-Scribbled angelfish
-Queen angelfish
-Gray angelfish (love these)
-Emperor angelfish
-Bluegirdled (majestic) angelfish
-Blueface angelfish
-Regal angelfish

-Achilles tang
-Atlantic blue tang
-Powder blue tang
-Orangeshoulder tang
-Orangespine (naso/lipstick) tang

-Bluechin triggerfish
-Sargassum triggerfish

So there you go, a list of fish which I would live :)
God imagine how big a tank would have to be to hold one of each of those :crazy:

harlequin tusk Choerodon fasciatus
majestic angel Pomacanthus navarchus
blueface angel Pomacanthus xanthometapon
addis butterfly Chaetodon semilavatus
yellow eye kole tang Ctenochaetus strigosus

shoal of bleeding heart anthias Pseudanthias cooperi
dont get a scribbled angel i have had a few and they are very hard to look after as they other angels tair it apart and they have had there own tank and dont live long there just not worth it plus they can get a parisite that can not be treated and can harm all of your fish and are aggresive

regal angel shold be kept in a reef tank most that go into fish only tank are shy and scared and starve to death thats how i lost my pair

the gray angel fish grows very large and needs a 180g+ very easy to keep got one my self and they say there aggresive i have got 2 and are very good to new fish added no aggression with the other angels

achilles tang very badly prone to white spot so keep an eye out

if adding large angel and want to add dwarf angel add the dwarf first

majestic if added with other angel will be very shy i hardy see mine coz its in with other angels

and why not try a french angel also but add it last aggressive to new comers

how about a chevron tang,red kole tang aks lavender tang,sailfin tang, blue spotted tang they are amasing when they get bigger
Just to let you know, I have posted the thread of my corals in the marine and reef chit chat forum.

Thanks for the info on the scribble angel scott, I will take that off my list.
I know gray angels need a large tank so I will only be getting one of I get thw 200 gallon tank for my birthday I have been nagging my folks for haha

Wow sounds cool. I want a Regal for my 90g also. That will be a fowlr, if not an lps tank. Not sure if I want to take the chance of them coral or not.

I think the queen gets to big for a tank of that size. They sure are stunners, though.
kj, I have read in books and on the web and places mostly say of a range of 150-180 US gallons. I would be getting a 200uk gallon tank which is about 240US gallons.

Well we move on the 4th of july and my birthday is on the 14th so it wont be that long. I need to know prior to my birthday if I can have one because I will need to give my dad he measurments of how big I want it to be, then he can do the rest :fun:

Wow sounds cool. I want a Regal for my 90g also. That will be a fowlr, if not an lps tank. Not sure if I want to take the chance of them coral or not.

I think the queen gets to big for a tank of that size. They sure are stunners, though.

hi kj

you are best to keep regal angel in reef tanks if you put them in with just live rock they slowly starve to death i bought 2 resently and put them in flowr and lost both of them because they dont aclimatse will in flowr and i still have the other two in the reef tank which i have had for 2 years and doing well

hi 1234-fishy-freind

your gray angel will be fine in a 180g tank and bigger same with the queen angel it needs 160g minimum

regards scott
Cheers scott.
My tank will be 200UK gallon, about 240US gallon so tank size wont be much of an issue.

I think the four angels I have decided to go for will be :
-gray angel
-queen angel
-blue face angel
-majestic angel


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