I've got mbuna fry!! Advice please......


Fish Herder
Mar 5, 2004
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:D Today we found some babies in our malawi tank......seen three so far,hiding in the rocks.We knew that one of the females was probably holding eggs in her mouth.
This is our first time that we have had malawi fry and I need to know if there is any hope for them if they remain in the tank they are in now.I would like to set up another fry tank but I have no spare tank or room at this present time.
What would you guys suggest I do?
At wallmart i've seen these fry-nets. its a small square shaped net that goes inside your tank creating a safe spot for your fry. I'd check it out if i were you. That way you can take care of one tank and protect the fry.
you aint got room for a 10gal tank?

+++ those fry nets are horribly wrong :( i dunno if it was just my experiance w/ them but they sucked
I bought a 5 gallon hex tank at walmart, and used that for my fry. I put some netting over the filter to keep them from getting sucked up. It was under 30 bucks, and fits almost anywhere. You could look on ebay and maybe find a small used tank too.

They can also stay in a small fish bowl. They can live there for a while without aeration (mine were in a bowl for 2 weeks and they survived).

As far as the living in with the big fish. I had a few that were in there for over a month in there and they were fine. They had a place to hide, but it is probably not the best place for them if you want them to live.

Good Luck!!
:D Thanks for the replies........I really do have no space for a single tank more....every little nook and cranny has a tank occupying it. Maybe I will net them and put them in with the fry I have in a 15gallon tank already set up.
This tank has fry that I found in another of my tanks....they are cichlids but I don't know for sure what kind. They either came in a bag with a green terror and are midas fry.....or they are malawi(mbuna) and I have already bred malawis without realising at the time.
I think the new fry will most probably be safer with larger fry than with the others in the tank they are in at the moment(there are 3 petricolas in there too) :)

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