I've got guppyfry but how do i make a fry net?????


New Member
Jun 28, 2005
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alberta, canada
Ok so ya i got guppy fry finally!!!!! Aphro has been so huge for like forever and i looked in the tank this morning and saw fry but here's my delema. i was just gonna leave them in the tank but now that their here i don't think i can :p their way too cute :wub: SO how do i make a fry net???????? like i said i didn't think i'd need it so i don't have a fry tank ready either!!!!! and nw i'm totally panicking :crazy: cause i don't want any more to get eaten please respond quick
Why don't you just buy one? they only like cost about £2's...You can just suspend a net in the tank with a stone in it to weight it down and put the fry in there for the time being if its too late to go to your lfs and have to wait a couple of days...But if you've been expecting fry for so long now why didn't you think about this earlier :dunno: ?
I was just gonna leave them in the tank with the other fish so only a few servived! But i just can't now that their here :p :wub:
they r really cheap, i bought one at petsmart for around 2 or 3 dollars.
Tokis-Phoenix said:
But if you've been expecting fry for so long now why didn't you think about this earlier :dunno: ?
Tokis - Do you really have to be so condecending when someone is asking for advice??

If you can yourself to your lfs you can buy a fry net which you attach to the side of your tank once you have caught as many fry as you wish to save (you can use the fry net to catch the fry), this would really depend on your other occupants as I am sure you wouldn't want to over stock.

Good luck with raising your fry.
just FYI, Apollosungod, there have been many discussions regarding leaving the fry in the tank with the adults and general concensus seems to be that over 90% generally make it (unless there are other fish in there besides guppies obviously)...i have just about a 100% survival rate leaving with the adults and some cories although i did used to use a breeding net...but i think you will find that most will be just fine...they are smart lil guys
abstract said:
i have just about a 100% survival rate leaving with the adults and some cories
how do you know you dont know howmany there was in the first place :p
goodluck with the fry Apollosungod
paige said:
how do you know you dont know howmany there was in the first place :p
i guess you're right in a way lol....but if 20-40 fry are alive i would assume that is as close to 100% as possible each time...
Have you looked at the 'DO IT YOURSELF' threads? There might be some ideas on there if you can't get to the fish shop.

Good luck. :thumbs:
I found this one.....................................................................
OHH YEA. That's the one I made. Very easy, but don't use the metal, it'll make the tank water go bad. I already changed it, by using more canvas to make a handle, and it connects to the side of the tank. Very cheap, less than a dollar to make.

thanx for the help!!!! Sorry i was gone for a while, the fry are doing fine i did go and buy a fry net anyway it was 6.00$ not 2 or3 but ohwell
I think there's about 16 of them this batch
Their all so big already i can hardly belive it!!!

Well thanx again
when Im expecting fry I just stock the tank all the way up with plants - granted only 2 swordies survived out of the last bbatch but thats more amangeable then having 20-30 babbies!

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