I've got foerschi fry!

My babies are a half week old today. :p They've already grown too. :blink: They're constantly pigging out on micros.... I swear, when they already look like they're going to explode they still go hunting and eat like 10. :rolleyes: :wub: Anyways, I'm lovin' them to death, they're the cutest things in the universe. Very active, different from the falx too - in that they hang out as a group most of the time, and don't laze around on the bottom. :thumbs: I think I've still got 9 or 10... :unsure:
Whoo-hoo, it's about time! Congrats on the spawn. It's small, but that's the way I like 'em! Easier to take care of. Congrats again.
Thanks. :)

I can't get good shots of them, no macro. -_- They just come out looking like little brown blobs. Though I can now see all fins but ventrals. :thumbs:

Parents are at it again. :hey: Decided to let them do it since this spawn was so small. Mom was so incredibly chock full of eggs that she was spilling them when I moved her over to Dad's side. :blink:
You sure have a lot of spawns going on for having a five gallon growout :unsure: Aren't you worried about stunting these babies -_-
I don't have any spawns going on besides the foerschi. There are 9-11 of them now, and in 2 weeks if I have 10 more, that's still not many. I'm religious with water changes and I don't "grow them out" in the 5 gallon, I jar them when they're big enough.

Edit: Whoops. :p
You said they are free to go again and that your falx are together...that's a lot of fish in that size tank, if I were to venture a guess I would say that is why your fry grow ridiculously slow :unsure:

Perhaps you should have a look at your own pinned thread -_-

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