i've got eggs again!

ok, my bristlenose fry are about a month old now, i only ended up losing 2 or 3, so i still have somewhere around 45-50 of them. they have since been moved into a 20G long

here are some fry chowing down

sucking on the glass

one more
My bristlenoses have had 2 lots of babies so far, since I moved them into the new tank in January. They usually hatch 4-5 days after laying. My parent pair had 5 weeks between the first clutch of eggs and the second. The first lot of fry are now nearly an inch long an about to go to new homes. That's ok, there were only 20 or so of them.
The second batch so far are about 35!

I let them out of the nursery net at about 3 weeks old into the nursery tank and I'm about put the older fry into the main tank to see if they cope!

Hope you have as much fun as we have...
Cute fry :D

how long did it take before the parents bread? (sorry if u already said this, I dont have time to read the whole article though :huh: )

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