Ok so after browsing the net allday looking at betta's, i knew i just had to have one...
anyway, i finished work early today and when i got home, my mum sent me to get something from the garage.... what did i see... a small glass tank which i use to have goldfish in..
anyway to cut a long story short, i cleaned the tank throughly, added stones and went to the LFS and purchased a betta!!!
he is happierly swimming around in the tank and i love him top bits already (his name is marbella... Marley for short!)
i know this wasnt a brilliant idea and im sure some of you will criticise me , but i feel in love with him right away and had to get him.. im not sure what tail type he is but he is a dark bluey/purpley colour with red streaks. ill get a picture of him when i charge my digital camera up..
one question though.... my bedroom which the tank is in, stays at a fairly warm temerture, so i havent got a heater for him tank, but i do want to get one just in case temp drops.... what temp do bettas live in the best? Also can you feed bettas 'freeze dried' bloodworm or does it HAVE to be frozen or live? what else can i feed him?
anyway, i finished work early today and when i got home, my mum sent me to get something from the garage.... what did i see... a small glass tank which i use to have goldfish in..
anyway to cut a long story short, i cleaned the tank throughly, added stones and went to the LFS and purchased a betta!!!
he is happierly swimming around in the tank and i love him top bits already (his name is marbella... Marley for short!)
i know this wasnt a brilliant idea and im sure some of you will criticise me , but i feel in love with him right away and had to get him.. im not sure what tail type he is but he is a dark bluey/purpley colour with red streaks. ill get a picture of him when i charge my digital camera up..
one question though.... my bedroom which the tank is in, stays at a fairly warm temerture, so i havent got a heater for him tank, but i do want to get one just in case temp drops.... what temp do bettas live in the best? Also can you feed bettas 'freeze dried' bloodworm or does it HAVE to be frozen or live? what else can i feed him?