I've Got A Nitrite Spike!


New Member
Oct 13, 2007
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I am so excited about this and just wanted to let someone know. This is my first fishless cycle and I am happy to see that my NitrIte has spiked. I am now one step closer to my tank being cycled :D
Woop congrats :good: , how long did that take? My nitrate hasnt spiked yet, im on day 8 and i have 4ppm ammonia (put too much in at the start, was on 8ppm for 3 days, did 2 20% water changes and it went down to about 6, now its on 4) 0.25 ppm nitrite, 10ppm nitrate. Hoping it might be ready by next week :unsure:

Thanks :) This is day 11 of my cycle. Yesterday when I took my readings, my nitrIte was at .25 and today it was off the chart. Hopefully yours will be off the chart soon too!
Thanks :) This is day 11 of my cycle. Yesterday when I took my readings, my nitrIte was at .25 and today it was off the chart. Hopefully yours will be off the chart soon too!

You guys are lucky! I'm in day 8 of a fish-in cycle... with no amount of ammonia, nirite or nitrate. 8 days!!!! and I haven't removed even a cup of water from the tank.

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