ive got 6 guppies or mollies or platies


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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ive got 6 guppies or mollies or platies not quite sure which ones they are as i get mixed up with them , they orange in coulour some are all orange some have black tails. i nio they are a breeding fish but mine dont seem to want to breed does anyone no why cos im puzzled they seem to show signs they are with the swollen bellies but never anything else :dunno:
Perhaps they have fry but they get eaten before you get a chance to see them. Also do you have males and females? The livebearers usually give birth every 28 days give or take a few days so you should be able to gauge roughly when they will have fry and isolate the expectiing mom. HTH :)
Perhaps the conditions aren't quite right for them?

as to other fish eating them IME, guppies produce about 100 babies and mollies only about 30 so if you have mollies its more chance that they get eaten before you see them. Put lots of real plants in there to give the babies more chance of survival OR you could buy a small tank setup to isolate the mother OR put her in an isolation net in the tank. Good Luck, HTH.

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