Ive Found Some Trili Eggs!

the fry will get stronger with each spawning you have, and there should be more eggs next time as well :D
well, last night i woke up and the egg that looked perfect -beige with dark spot- was gone, so i looked everywhere, and have continued to, but cant see anything, ill leave it a day or two though, just incase i see one. What i really want to do is buy a nice sized fry growout and use the 10g as a cory species tank so i can condition them properly.
that would be a good idea.

Try stir the water about in the tank the fry, if there, with swim up off the bottom of the tank. and you will be able to see it then :D
geo7x- How did you accidentaly condition your cories again?

I can't wait to get my 10 gallon set up also! I will have about 5 Sterbai in there, but i have to wait until spring time :(
well, ive come to the decision that there's nothing there :(

Cap'n- I just fed live bloodoworm and did a cold water change because i couldnt be bothered with anything else lol :crazy:
:( thats a shame, maybe next time you'll have some nice ickle fishies :)

I lost two of my fry last night :'(
seems like a lot of Trili breeding outbreaks....well only 2, but I have never seen a topic on here about Trilis accidentaly breeding.

Either way, I can't do anything breeding wise with them for a little bit, I have just had a Columnaris outbreak and am freaking out! (went to this section for some relief, after all; I caught it pretty early and it is the weakest (read least deadliest) strain, so I don't have much to worry about, especially cause I am going to the lfs tommorow for some meds! Wish my fish good luck.

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