Ive Found Some Trili Eggs!


resistance is futile......
Apr 5, 2006
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as some of you may know my c.trilineatus were recently showing pre-spawning activity, and it happened again this morning. I didnt think much of it, after last time nothing happened, but just now i have found 4 eggs! :lol: only 4 lol, so either i missed it and they were eaten, or there are more eggs to come. anyway, ive removed these four into a small container, and im just about to change the water on the empty 10g (only spare i have) so they can go in there. so if they hatch then they can stay in the 10g, which should be ok since there would only be a max of 4 lol.
is there really much chance of any hatching? Theyre kind of a white creamy colour with a little dot of beige in the middle, does this mean theyre fertile?
as some of you may know my c.trilineatus were recently showing pre-spawning activity, and it happened again this morning. I didnt think much of it, after last time nothing happened, but just now i have found 4 eggs! :lol: only 4 lol, so either i missed it and they were eaten, or there are more eggs to come. anyway, ive removed these four into a small container, and im just about to change the water on the empty 10g (only spare i have) so they can go in there. so if they hatch then they can stay in the 10g, which should be ok since there would only be a max of 4 lol.
is there really much chance of any hatching? Theyre kind of a white creamy colour with a little dot of beige in the middle, does this mean theyre fertile?

Congratulations on the spawn :good:

Unlike the C. aeneus, I dont think C. trilineatus lay a lot of eggs. Mine spawned for me a while back and there were only like 10 eggs. I wasnt able to save any of mine either and they havent spawned since. They were the only fish in the tank at the time, so that may be why. Im going to put them in a species only tank one day and see if they will do it again.

It sounds like they are fertile to me. The beige might be the emybro. Make sure to have an airstone under the eggs to keep current on them. This will keep them from getting fungused. Make sure you dont expose the eggs to the air and dont move them unless you have too. The eggs can be very sensitive. Ive learned that the hard way. What do you plan on feeding the fry?

Keep us updated and good luck :good:
thanks barracuda, im glad they sound fertile. Im just about to put them in the 10g, ive just done a big water change so im waiting for the temperature to go up a bit more. Ive got an airstone in there, should i put the eggs just next to the bubble flow or actually right in it? i did have a microworm culture but it went bad and i had to chuck it, im going to look for bbs in my lfs though, or other alternatives. :)
thanks barracuda, im glad they sound fertile. Im just about to put them in the 10g, ive just done a big water change so im waiting for the temperature to go up a bit more. Ive got an airstone in there, should i put the eggs just next to the bubble flow or actually right in it? i did have a microworm culture but it went bad and i had to chuck it, im going to look for bbs in my lfs though, or other alternatives. :)

I always put the bubbles right under the eggs. You might want to try and start another microworm culture. You can buy a culture on aquabid ready to be fed to the fry and they arent that expensive.
well, i only have 2 left :/ 2 dissappeared overnight for no apparent reason, is it possible that they fell on the floor? i cant see anything. Anyway, the 2 left are doing ok, should hatch tomorrow or next day. I may have more eggs to come though, the adults in the community are showing signs again
Hi geo7x :)

How disappointing! :(

Since your trilineatus are now proven breeders there is a good chance they will spawn again. Just feed them well to condition them and watch your tank carefully.

Did yours spawn on the glass or on plants or other things? :unsure:
thanks for replying inchy, they spawned on the java fern on the glass, right next to each other.
Hi geo7x :)

It sounds like she was headed for the plants and got distracted. :hey:

If your tank is well planted, you might want to move them to a breeding tank where you can set it up to be able to see if there are any eggs. Since they seem to like to spawn in the plants, an amazon sword plant might work out well because they have broad leaves and it's not very hard to find eggs it they are there. If the java fern is dense, it might be a problem seeing them.
thanks incy, in the long term i plan to use the 10g as a breeding tank and get a new fry growout. How big are cory fry when they first hatch? one of my eggs is no longer there so it could have hatched since they were laid 3 or 4 days ago now, i cant see anything but they could be hiding, plus they would probably be hard to see against the sand
they are about 1mm on the first day
and yeah prob very hard to see, im using bare bottom at the moment
ok thanks §tudz, ill keep looking as it hatching seems to be the only explanation for its dissapearance, surely if it was infertile it would have dissapeared before today after 3 or 4 days?
yeah the egg case would be virtually impossible to see because it also has an airstone underneath it so the current would flick the egg case anywhere around the tank. What colour were your eggs before they hatched?the one that dissapeared was pretty white but the remaining one is pretty beige with a darker bit in the middle.
white = dead egg

the beige one = good egg
black dot = ickle fishy

My eggs were covered in fungus and still hatched lol, madness.
the eggs go a beige/milky colou with the black dot when they are getting ready to hatch.

I dont put the airstone under my eggs as it tends to blow the egss around the tank... but then people do suggest you do it. I onyl use air once they have hatched
aaah that explains why the other 3 dissapeared, only one was actually fertile. So i shouldnt be suprised if i wake up tomorrow with 1 fry since it sounds like its almost ready :) shame theres only 1 though lol :lol:

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