OMG - I've just seen the picture of your new betta how sad is that I cant believe you get them in a little cup!!!! how horiffic is that!!! When I got my new 1 yesterday he was scooped out of a big tank & put in a big bag that was half filled with water. You are soooooo good rescuing him.... good one you, this wallmart place shouldnt be aloud to sell fish if they dont have the correct stuff to look after them & by the sound of it staff aswell. Bless you totally.
You have not seen the plastic death trap cups, eh?
They're all over the place here in the U.S. - that's how they sell em here.
And yeah, the water level in his tank was really low. I was disgusted.
He's very happy and he even started a bubble nest today when he was home alone. in just one day!
that's a record with all my rescues
I think he's a very handsome boy - cotton patches and all!
He must be MUUUCH happier than he was in his cup, because... well, he made a bubble nest the first night.
You know - it's really hard to see the cottony patches in his photos - he looks gorgeous in the photos. And the patches are already starting to disappear after only about 2 days. YAY!