I've decided what to go in my 20 gallon...


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
I think I've decided on going with the tetras in my 20 gallon tank. How many can I get, what species to you recomend I get, is there any special care for them? Thanks!
You could get a couple of schools of smaller tetras (6-8 fish) in a 20 gal, plus some other fish such as a dwarf plec and a pair of gouramis.

Tetras I'd recommend include cardinals, black neons, head-and-tail lights, rummynosed and glowlights. Some of these species are supposedly very delicate but if you make sure your tank is well cycled before introducing them you shouldn't have problems.

Also consider Beckford's golden pencilfish, rasboras and white cloud mountain minnows.
I think I'll get a 6 fish school of cardinals, and a 7 fish of neons. Could I get one of those cave pelcos?(I think they're pelco, but I'm not sure) I will also get a pair of gouramis. Does thsi sound about right? I'll start cycleing with feeder gold fish this weekend, thanks, Anna.
Hi Ron,
The cardinals and neons sound fine. The cave fish you are talking about is a pleco. Make sure you get a dwarf pleco, like a bristlenose or a clown pleco which grow to about 4" long, not a Common Pleco that can grow to 2.5 feet long. You'd need a bit of bogwood for a pleco to chew and a cave as you rightly said.

If you're going for gouramis, have a look at pearl gouramis as they are easier and gentler than dwarf gouramis. Don't be put off by their dull colours in the LFS - some bloodworms and loving care and they become beautifully coloured fish with bright orange faces. They will set off the upper levels of your tank nicely.

If you are cycling with fish please be aware that the process may take 8-10 weeks and most of the fish you want will not cope well with an un-cycled tank. It could also be a lot of work as it won't be very good if the goldfish die on you (dead fish can't cycle a tank). If you tried fishless techniques, OTOH, you could probably get that tank up and running in a couple of weeks.
ron just a few other tetras you may like as i have a few and there exellent
1 glowlight tetra
2 black widdow tetra
3 black phantom tetra

there not so well known ive noticed i havent seen any 1 talk about or have them apart from myself (some one had the glowlight)
also tetras are very delicate so make sure your tank is completly ready first
i may be wrong but im sure members of the family of tetras are the paranah's i may be wrong it could be the neon tetra
tribalsilver_shark, you are right when you say that tetras are a member of the paranah family. At least that is what I have read as well. I am a big fan of Tetras and have 4 Black Skirt Tetras(also known as the Black Widow Tetra). I find them to be very hardy, they have survived my beginner mistakes. I even had them spawn and had the babies for a week, unfortunately they didn't make it :no: But they are a very interesting fish for sure.

get a school of 15 cardinals! That would look awesome!
I always loved a Planted tank full of Neons. That was just amazing. Fish as a kid had a 55 just of plants & Neons. A beautiful tank
Thanks for all of your suggestions! I've been thinking very hard on this, and I came up with at least 1 set up that I like. A school of neons, another of cardinals, and then another of black widows. How many fish should be in each school? And I also want to get one of those albino, blind cave pelcos to go in there too. Does this sound alright? Thanks again!
actually most tetras family fishes should go well with cardinals....even Congo tetras( though quite big size) seems to get along very fine with them( i have a few congo tetras with my neons and cardinals)....zebra/leopard danios are also good to have since they are hardy, active and peacful community fishes...others like Harlequin, runny nose, Cherry barbs and pencil fishes etc are peaceful fishes dat u can intro to your cardinals...

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