Ive Been Busy..oh They Are Lovely :)


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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had a small tank that i have been meaning to set up for ages, my son did have it with a pair of platys in there and he broke the filter/light and hood (yes ive kicked his bum!!) so anyway i managed to get new everything aprt from the tank and set it up this morning (at about 4am lol-well i couldnt sleep) took media from another filter and cut it ,so t all up and running with a SFF called "Nuts" he looked so fed up at the lfs, but then again so did all the others, but i cant have them all :(
also i had a 96 litre going begging so i changed the gravel, built a cave,added mature filter from a larger tank and got my first ever pair of kribs :) its still a bit cloudy in the pic, but im sure thats the gravel even tho my fingers are now numb from stirring it around a bucket!! have added floss anyway, anyway the pics arnet the best,but i wanted to get a photo before the batteries had to go on charge,

anything i should know about the kribs in particular ,be sure to let me know :)

shelagh xx
Nuts` tank


Krib setup

Looks good Shelagh :D

I got some kribs (Pelvicachromis pulcher) a couple of weeks ago too, they're fab little fish :D

If you're planning on breeding them then a bunch of caves would be a good idea. Coconut caves or upturned plant pots (with a hole cut in them) are ideal. Conditioning them with a variety of food including flake, frozen and live helps too :D

Edit...sorry, I don't seem able to spell today :blush:
They all look great Shelagh.

Assuming the kribs are in there on their own, then you should be ok if they decide to pair (do you know their sex?).

Always nice to have new fishies.

BTW how is the big tank going? All levels sorted now I hope :)
When i first got my Kribs, they were breeding withing 24hours :blink:
If your planning on breeding them, just add a cave and your be fine!

Do you know if you have males or females, from the picture id say one male and one female! are you planning on adding anything else to the set-up?
well i was told i had 1 male and 1 female- and thats what im hoping they are, be nice to have some babies again, i thought maybe that stone with a space under it would be fine, but obviously not, ill get some plant pots in there when i have finished this :)
i wasnt planning on adding anything else, not for the time being anyway, would have to look into what could go with them anyway..

the big tank is fine now thankyou,have tested every evening and no more problems since fingers X it will stay that way :)
thankyou ever so much for your help throughout it :)

shelagh xxx
Lookin great :)

So how many tanks have u got runnin now? :p
Hows many tanks do you have shelagh??

Im very impressed....your dedicated!!!!!

you could maybe add a few other fishies to those tanks?
thats 9 tanks i have now, i was at 12 but got too much with the kids as well and 5 guines pigs (single mum that admits its tough!!)

yeah BECCIMAC- i reackon my lecky bill will hit the 1 million£ mark this quarter :lol:- " find a space and fill it", thats my moto!! :)

shelagh xxxx

any advice on fish to share the tanks with the kribs? i was a bit nervous to even think of anything else as i have never had these before,i have been reading up on them, but no real answers there.
they seem to be fighting, the male keeps nipping the female,shes giving as good as shes getting tho. any advice??
let them fight it out!!

fish...i wouldnt go for anymore cichlids...but you could deffo put them with other community fish, ive always found kirbs ive owned to be very peaceful once settled.

perhaps a few golden barbs or tiger barbs? - they would eat the fry tho if you were planning on breeding

maybe some platys or something?

and obviously you will need a litle corydora..they are too cute not to put in any tank possible
thanks for that :) i defo want to breed so ill leave them as they are for the time being and see later on,and i do like tiger barbs too :)
shelagh xxx
Glad the big tank is sorted.:)

For the kribs, maybe some danios or something equally fast to act as dither or targets, I would also put some more plants and caves in, break up any line of sight issues if you add more fish.
I had two in my comm tank and they bred every few weeks without fail- mum was serious baby making machine. But they got very terratorial and terrorised everything else in the tank so I had to rehome them. Just bear this in mind if you are going to breed, only get other fish that can stand up for themselves! (but the babies are adorable)

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