It's Raining Shrimps :)

Thanks Shrimper :D
My amanos live with dwarf puffers and some cherry shrimps. The zoes are so small that the puffs don't really take much notice of them unless they wiggle right in front of them. Usually I see zoes during weekly water change since I use extra fine netting to catch any baby cherries that come out in my gravel vac. You can easily see the amano zoes wiggling (towards light) in a small semi-transparent tub underneath a bright light. Too sad that none would survive :(
Very cool pics of the tiny little critters, makes me sorry that all are doomed in my tanks.
Thanks for the comments, pippoodle & Liam :D
1. Catchy Title.

How much gal. per amano, you think? :)

I also have a bad relationship with amanos.

First amano-- fully grown, -goes buy another one- next day they both die.

Third and Fourth Amano (Bought two while I bought two adfs) - Larger one dies due to ammonia levels -cleans tank-
Fourth Amano goes into hiding and starves itself without the Third Amano.

yeah, i really dislike raising them now cause of when they die they look NASTY! >__>
1. Catchy Title.

How much gal. per amano, you think? :)

I also have a bad relationship with amanos.

First amano-- fully grown, -goes buy another one- next day they both die.

Third and Fourth Amano (Bought two while I bought two adfs) - Larger one dies due to ammonia levels -cleans tank-
Fourth Amano goes into hiding and starves itself without the Third Amano.

yeah, i really dislike raising them now cause of when they die they look NASTY! >__>
really good pics most interesting
scot :good:

Thank you guys :blush: :blush: I really appreciate your kind comments.

Kevinthecow, sorry about your bad luck with Amanos. My 5 Amanos have been tough like old boots despite my disruptive weekly maintenance (gravel vac + 50-70% water change).

I'm no good with stocking ratio :blush: but dwarf shrimps don't add much bioload as long as you don't overfeed them. Shrimps are much more sensitive than fish and any detectable ammonia or nitrites and copper are deadly so it's better to add them to a matured tank rather than to a newly cycled tank.

Do you have other fish in the same tank that intimidate the Amanos? Mine are bold and always out and about picking food even though they live with dwarf puffers. Perhaps a few friends (group of 6 or more) will encourage them to come out from hiding :D They are really interesting critters to keep. Give them another go and hope you have better luck next time. :good:

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