Awww thanks so much! His common name is 'Madagascan giant day gecko'. They are called 'day geckos' because they are diurnal or active during the day time. He is quite active throughout the day. A lot of the time he can be found either basking under his fluorescent UV lights, stuck to the glass or mesh ceiling or just generally roaming about three-dimensionally and leaping from place to place. He's very cool to watch, but I don't handle him. They have quite delicate skin which can be torn easily as I found out when I first got him. He was in a cricket tub whilst being transported to his new tank and as the lid was opened he dashed out before it was fully open. The tub was a standard plastic live food tub (that crickets, locusts or mealworms come in) so the lid is quite sharp on the edges and he tore a large piece of skin away from his neck. It healed in a few days, but he now has a scar there where the scales are slightly irregular and not quite as bright green as the rest of him. Plus they are reaaaaaaaaaally fast and I'd be afraid of losing him (he escaped once before and it took 2 hours to recapture him - but that's another story).
Sorry... I ramble on a bit! Love talking about geckos, especially when I'm actually being asked
Anyway, he eats a mix of live insects (appropriately sized crickets and locusts) and fruit mix. I feed him 2 or 3 prey items dusted with pure calcium powder at a time every couple of days. Then I give him his fruit mix between those feedings, maybe three times a week or something.
His fruit mix contains:
*Pureed soft fruits such as mango, papaya and peach (I buy them fresh and pulp them through a sieve and freeze it in an ice cube tray)
*T-Rex Day Gecko Diet (I don't really measure how much I put in there to be honest... I just stick the teaspoon handle in there and lift some out to mix into the fruit!)
I sometimes add to his fruit mix:
*Plain natural yoghurt (for extra calcium and protein)
*Honey (for yummies
The Day Gecko Diet, fruit and yoghurt should give him all the vitamins he needs so I don't supplement vitamins... only calcium when dusting the bugs.
I know that some people feed the fruit only once a week, but since he loves it so much and I mix the Day Gecko Diet in with it I don't see that there's a problem with giving it to him more frequently.
He'll also eat just Day Gecko Diet mixed with water like they tell you on the bottle, which is handy if I'm in a hurry or whatever. Although I do usually like to mix it with some fruit so he gets extra nutrients and tastiness.