It's Over.

I'm very sorry to hear that :(

A long time back a big tank of mine (breeder tank) bellied up due to a heater malfunction, I packed up/sold everything and didn't keep fish again for six years.

I'm back in now though.

take your time to get over it, it matters. Then see if you want to continue.
Thank you, but I'm just so afraid that it might happen again, and with more fish.

Many people think that fish aren't an animal you can love, like dogs, but it's not true. I just loved them so much, it's going to be hard to get back to the hobby.

BTW, My neighbors called the police because some water dripped down in front of their door. :angry: They claimed that they slipped and almost died, and I am a murderer. Thank God the police called me, and asked if this was true.
I hate them sooo much.
Dam sorry to here this :sad:

Dont give up, with the knowledge you have learned from TFF you can build a Great Tank to replace the one you have lost :)
Wow- one of the fished moved a little! :eek:
When i got home i put them in a bucket full with water, and one just moved! (It's besides my desk)
That's a big hit. A real shame as I enjoyed your enthusiasm in your posts.
Give your self some time. Keep hanging round the forum and you might get your mo Jo back. It could be a great opportunity to start from scratch and create your perfect tank.
I think if my tank exploded and I lost all my fish I would have a cry too, if only from the shock.

Hopefully you'll feel able to start it up again in the future.
That is such a shame! What happened?

I'd be devastated too.
But I don't know if I'd just give up. They're such a big part of my life now.
I don't know what happened, when I came home and opened the door the apartment was full with water.
I first tought it was my water pipe that broke, so I ran into my bathroom, but it was water free. Then, I went to my room to start my computer and drop off my bag, and I saw the fish laying on the ground, partly covered in gravel. All the glass has shattered, my filter and heater broke from the drop, so did the light in the hood.

I might start a new thread, about a new tank.
I was so sad and devastated, that I went to my local LFS, and saw an angel almost identical to mine, which started me thinking about my perfect tank. It made my day a little better, but to be honest, this is the worst day of my life.
I feel so terribly for you. Hopefully you won't just up and quit. Just wait a while and then when you get your courage back you can start it up again. I know how I'd feel if this happened to me.
What make was the tank?

Was it new, could it be under guarantee?
sorry about your tank, but.....

do you have house insurance, this happened to me many many many years ago (i feel old now)
and after the initial shock and down right anger the first thing i did was phone the insurance people.
i had to get rid of everything before they came and by the time they came round i had no carpet or tank to show them, he asked why and i said i couldnt keep a soaking carpet stinking of fish water and a pile of broken glass about, the floor still had water marks on it though.

anyway no problems at all in 5 mins they had agreed to pay for everything and i got a spanking new tank and all the bits with it and a new carpet .

so if you have insurance, at least you only have to think about new fishies, and hopefully no other costs, if you havent, get it .


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