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Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
I have officially fell in love with Tiger Barbs, Ive always liked them but now I just can't get enough of them! I bought 5 babies, and am goin to get 10 more tonight. Ive read everything possible on them, I think they are the absolute coolest!

Ive got 7 right now, with 5 SD's, a common plec, a SAE, a Clown Loach and 4 Khulis in a 90g

In my 29g is my Tiger Oscar, which he will be upgraded to a55g when the time comes.

I hope to become sort of the Tiger Barb rezident here, so if anyone has any questions regarding Tigers, just PM!
Its at the bottom of this home/forum page. Yeah they are really cool I thought very ong about getting some but ended up not. Ohh well.
That sounds great, Drobbins. I didn't know you liked Tiger Barbs that much. Mine are very entertaining, but there's other fish in the sea. Now that you remind me; my 10-gallon tank is awaiting a tiger barb couple in about a month when my cherry barbs can be introduced to my dad's tank. I may keep some, but I said he can have most of them.

I'm down to 12 fry now, but they're much bigger than the original 20 in my sig. They're also eating powdered flake food, so I don't have to worry about keeping a supply of baby brine shrimp avaliable daily.

I estimate 6-8 adults :D
definitely cool fish though I only have 6. 4 sub 1" 2 adults. 2.5" or so

I think they are great and they keep my community tank in line.
Good to hear that you're enjoying yourself!!!

I'm so happy to hear that you took the Oscar out of the big tank, just for the SDs sakes!!!!! :*) Of course, as long as he gets a bigger home someday! :nod:

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