It's Happening Again!


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Another bad week for bettas, it seems like this is happening a lot lately :(
Yesterday Blue (steel blue delta female) finally gave in to her chronic bacterial infection I could not get rid of. She had been on all kinds of medicine for at least a month solid with literally no results before I finally gave up two weeks ago and just decided that she should at least enjoy the time she has left in clean, medicine-free water. She did good until 4 days ago, then went downhill fast. :rip:

Arbatel was the second casualty this week. He was acting very lethargic yesterday, and this morning he was dead. I assume it was old age, as there were no physical signs of disease.

Last but not least, Grandpa (the fish, not my grandpa). Again, no physical signs of disease on this one... he was acting perfectly fine yesterday, then today he's just... gone! I went to feed him and he didn't come to the top, and that's when I found him lying in his sleeping spot behind his plant. He was in full colour and looked very peaceful. He had died very recently, as his eyes hadn't even glazed over yet, but he was definitely dead. Maybe he really was as old as his name would indicate?? :blink:

I dunno... when they all pass on at the same time like that it feels like I must be doing something wrong, but they didn't look or act ill at all, save for Blue. I guess it's just one of those things... AGAIN. Worst deja vu ever :sad:
I sympathise, I lost two fish over the weekend, two diff. tanks as well. No sign of disease either :-(

My poor white hm (not even a year old) and my cacatoides male.

Non of the other fish look off so I don't know what is happening.
Sorry to hear that. It seems to be going around lots this season. :/ Maybe it has to do with winter, and a greater dependancy on our equipment?

If they had to pass, though, old age is preferable. Most fishes don't get that chance, so you're doing something right, there.
I lost Ralph a few days ago to some kind of bacterial infection (causing ulcer I think), Greta went last night and Buckley has had clamped fins for a month.

Ralph and Greta were in a breeding tank together in October, while Buckley and Greta were in a breeding tank together in November... I guess this is a bad month for many of us. The weather is probably also a factor.
Sorry about your loss Synnir, but I wouldn't worry about your fishkeeping skills. Perhaps those bettas were purchased at around the same time. All of my bettas were purchased within a month or two of each other, so I'm expecting, barring any terrible disease outbreaks, that they will most likely all die within months of each other. That will make it very sad, but expected. The two males sound a lot like old age to me. And the poor female, well her health was compromised because of the infection and I'm sure she appreciated her last few weeks without medication.

So don't feel bad, you do a great job and I'm sure it's the wish of every betta in TX to end up in either yours or Wuv's home. Sorry, if I'm excluding any other memebers from that great state.
MAybe should get your water tested Synirr? Do you live off a well at all?
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about that :-( It is very hard to lose one fish, let alone 3 in a row. :sad: But they were all lucky to have you as their mom.

Rest In Peace Blue, Arbatel, and Grandpa.
Condolences for your losses. :-( So sad when that happens. May they all rest in peace. I lost Houdini last weekend to an internal bacterial infection. Was a nasty thing too.(The infection, not the betta!) :sad:
MAybe should get your water tested Synirr? Do you live off a well at all?
Our tap water comes from a privately owned well and is MUCH better than almost any city water you're ever likely to encounter, so I don't imagine that's the problem. It actually has so little chemical in it that I don't even have to dechlor really... I do it "just incase" on the betta tanks though, since they get such large water changes. 6.8 pH, so that couldn't be it either...
:-( I'm so sorry, Synirr. It must be horrible to lose them all at once. I'm especially bummed about Grandpa, he was such a gorgeous boy and it sounds like he had a great personality, even if he wasn't the best Daddy! I know that all of your fish had very full, long lives and you did everything for them.

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