Is now at University! :D
To be honest with those fish in that sized tank I would suggest 100% changes daily, I'm thinking that bioload in just 6l of water... 50% is unlikely to be big enough.
It has been explained what is causing the problems.
And the only advice I can give is to re-home them both to a larger container of water (or back to the fish shop). If you are willing then I know for a fact that large shops such as Sainsburys sell plastic storage containers that would work as a perfect temporary tank for your fish.
I had a quick look the other day and I think the 30l storage tubs were...£7 or so.
I think you'd notice a huge change in the fishes behaviour straight away. Also if you could get hold of a cheap power filter or at the very least and air pump and air stone this would really help your loach.
It has been explained what is causing the problems.
And the only advice I can give is to re-home them both to a larger container of water (or back to the fish shop). If you are willing then I know for a fact that large shops such as Sainsburys sell plastic storage containers that would work as a perfect temporary tank for your fish.
I had a quick look the other day and I think the 30l storage tubs were...£7 or so.
I think you'd notice a huge change in the fishes behaviour straight away. Also if you could get hold of a cheap power filter or at the very least and air pump and air stone this would really help your loach.