It's cursed.. or maybe it's me

pffft....stop getting bettas?!?!


:lol: :lol:
pffft....stop getting bettas?!?!
well, let me tell u, i love bettas, ive had them for as long as i can remeber, but those add up, theyre like 5 bucks a fish, if u dont have luck w/them y waste money knowing that they probly will just die like the rest?!?!
wuvmybetta said:
But think how much the deceased bettas cost you, you're losing money. Chunk it or boil it. Don't sell it so that it continues to kill, shall I come destroy it for you? :devil:
I'll be a nerd and quote myself :p I've already made that point, I personally would lose the tank before I lose the bettas. And it's an azoo tank,fyi, really only suitable for a betta :)
QUOTE (wuvmybetta @ May 18 2004, 11:23 AM)
But think how much the deceased bettas cost you, you're losing money. Chunk it or boil it. Don't sell it so that it continues to kill, shall I come destroy it for you?

I'll be a nerd and quote myself I've already made that point, I personally would lose the tank before I lose the bettas. And it's an azoo tank,fyi, really only suitable for a betta

then get males, theyre easier to take care of! and im sure other fish really littel ones, or FRY can live in that tank!!!!
Sorry to hear about your new fishie. :-(

I suggest you buy a small amount of window screening (ask for a patch kit) cut a small hole to allow for the filter tube, and use that to close the opening. Then like, shake a rubber chicken over it and filch the priest's speech from the Exorcist to ~cast out the demons!~ And then everything should be peachy! :alien:

More seriously, the jumping out and the dropsy might be a coincidence, but might be related. Maybe something is effecting the water quality, like a bad decoration or an anaerobic spot in the gravel?
wrs said:
QUOTE (wuvmybetta @ May 18 2004, 11:23 AM)
But think how much the deceased bettas cost you, you're losing money. Chunk it or boil it. Don't sell it so that it continues to kill, shall I come destroy it for you?  

I'll be a nerd and quote myself  I've already made that point, I personally would lose the tank before I lose the bettas. And it's an azoo tank,fyi, really only suitable for a betta 

then get males, theyre easier to take care of! and im sure other fish really littel ones, or FRY can live in that tank!!!!
You're talking to people who keep dozens & dozens of bettas :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes: And I think you're missing the point :unsure:
:angry: i get it that yall think bettas r the best and think its the tanks fault. and what does ppl. kepping dozens of bettas have 2 do w/anything, and how do u know i dont have alot of bettas? :dunno:
mmkay, what started as a lighthearted joke by me saying "we won't stop getting bettas" has wound up hijacking poor Julie's thread, my apologies Julie :)

wrs~ :rolleyes: I was saying simply, that a lot of members here do keep dozens of bettas so we are very well aware of how easy they are to take care of. Seems you're a bit on the edge.
yes i am, a family memeber died, and i dont like it when ppl. just dont say what they mean instead of saying things that can upset ppl.
Alrighty... hmm.... this thread has taken a turn! My thoughts - When I said the tank was "cursed", it was completely a joke. Of course I don't think that things can be cursed, it has just been strange how 5 bettas in a row that lived in the tank have died. I'm sure it is a coincidence however, as when the two bettas who had dropsy lived in there, they didn't have gravel OR decorations - I just wanted to medicate them. I completely cleaned out the tank and filter between the two also, salted it and everything. :dunno: Strange, eh? I really don't think there is anything else I could have done in any of the situations. :no:

Anyways, I still want to get another betta (wuv your "whatever" is perfect!), as I agree that it is only suitable for a betta, plus I love them and always would love to have another. I don't feel I am just wasting my money, as I tried my best with all of the fish that died, and don't just go out and replace them without a thought.
I just want to see if I'm interpreting you correctly - it really seems like you don't want to get me a new one, is this correct? :dunno:

I've explained the situations... also, I have another 14 or so bettas that are doing perfectly fine, so I don't see what the problem would be?
luxum said:
Then like, shake a rubber chicken over it and filch the priest's speech from the Exorcist to ~cast out the demons!~ And then everything should be peachy! :alien:

Sorry about your fish julie.

I say get another betta and keep trying :D
Sprinkle some holy water on that bad boy,recite the 'Our Father..' prayer,strip it,bleach it,rinse it 100 times,set it back up,and get another betta covering every teeny pinhole with screening. :hey:

You know you want to. ;) :lol:
I'm sure it is a coincidence however, as when the two bettas who had dropsy lived in there, they didn't have gravel OR decorations - I just wanted to medicate them. I completely cleaned out the tank and filter between the two also, salted it and everything. Strange, eh?
Why yes, that is very strange! Have you peeved off any gypsies lately? :p

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