It's Black, Asian And Upsidedown


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Hi all
I've just brought home an asian black upsidedown catfish Mystus leucophasis and was wondering if any of you have personal experiance with this species.
I've read stuff on the net about temperment etc, but there is nothing like personal experiance to guide another.
I've read stuff on the net about temperment etc, but there is nothing like personal experiance to guide another.
A friend's husband bought one a couple of years ago. A little 2" fish which went in their community tank. I got a phone call two days later asking if I had any idea why their fish were going missing!
Oddball is now about ten inches & shares a 530 litre tank with three rescued Oscars. Strictly nocturnal.
Planet catfish are not joking when they say these can eat fish two thirds their own size - at 2" it ate 1.5" platies.

Stunning looking fish though.
I had one of these guys in a 400 litre tank with a flower horn. Basically they hated each other Lol.

Even though no real damage was done the catfish came out on top and I had to let him go. Funnily though the catfish in the firends tank is a peacfull as can be.

My fella ate everything from pellets to shrimp and everything in between. Unlike the above posting my cat swam around the tank without a care in the world.

Anything pacific you need to know just ask ;)

I've got one, it lives in my "aggressives" tank and does very well kept with a gold dorado, jardini arowana, Cephalosiluris nigricauda and a insane pike cichlid.
They are not community fish by any stretch of the imagination and at a decent size will knock the sense out of most central american cichlids, only the biggest and baddest of tankmates will survive.
what are you saying CFC, not suitable for my 120G tank?
The tank is fine, its what it has to share with that matters. What tankmates were you planning on having? Anything under 6" or unable to defend itself is going to have a pretty bad time of it.
looks like some of the, if not all the larger danios and rasboras will have to be moved, other than that I have tetragonopterus argenteus, bichars/reedfish, clown loaches etc.

how quickly they grow? s/he is currently 4" and the smallest fish in the tank is also 4"

on the other hand CFC would you like the cat?
Of that list the only fish i can see being happy to share with the Mystus are the Polypterids, larger clown loaches "may" be ok, it all depends on the personality of the mystus really.

I already have one, i really dont want another!! I dont think they actually get along with their own kind anyway.
Lol stay away from the fish unless you like having to worry about your fish at night.

If it can beat up a flowerhorn and the above list from CFC I hope you realize the potential of this beastly catfish !!


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