It's Been Over 2 Months And Still No Drop.

Of all the things, now mom wants the table that holds the aquarium to be covered in wood-sticker so that it looks better. -.- This means I'll have to move the tank off of it and back on.
Moving the babies, filter and removing 50% of the water is going to be a pain -.- Just when I finally got those plants to sit on the bottom of the tank...
Good thing I kept the storage tub around. Can put the filter in it. And the green bowl can hold the fry cage. The adults will have to be in the tank though with the rest of the water. -.-

Anyway, I named my 3 fry. The calico: Ninja, the pink one: Pinky and the albino a friend of mine found a name for: Nightfish (that popped up after discussing some Nightwish vid LOL)
I think I have identified a male already in the 3 fry. Ninja is the suspect, as he already started swimming backwards and courting the other two fry. o_O Not good. I'd have only 3 females and 2 males in that case. Although might work somewhat, since my adult pair fish seem to be on equal powers.

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