it's been awhile

Whisper Odinsky

Fish Crazy
Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
eastern ontario, canada
:huh: wow. its certainly been awhile. this forum is huge!! congratulations guys!!

i'll just uhm.. re-introduce myself

I've been fishkeeping for a few years, but im still learning plenty!
cat keeper, fishkeeper, and spouse keeper (all pets ofcourse).

glad to be here.


72g setup:

1 rainbowshark
3 moonlight gouramis
4 sparkling "
2 khulis
2 cories
1 curvicepts (sp)
2 kribensis (sp)
7 blackskirts
1 austrailian tetra
2 whiteskirts
5 serpae
6 rummynose
1 barbed catfish
1 freaky lookin catfish with really long whiskers
a few ottos

10g setup

5 lampeye
4 sparkling gouramis
5 pencilfish (i think they're dwarfs)
2 bumblebees
2 panda cories
Hello and welcome back. What colour are your "freaky looking catfish with long whiskers"?
thanks guys, its good to be here.

glolite - black and silver. here's the best photos i can produce. (fish also has one messed up eye)


his whiskers are very long, tho with the lack of quality of my pictures you cant see them.
hi there and welcome back. i havent been here a year yet but its grown a lot in that time.
It's about time you came back! :D

Oh yeah, welcome back...:p *hugs*
I'm new here too but its awesome! :) judging by the # of newbie posts there are in this forum every day i'd say this place is growin fast

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