Its Been A While, And Now I'm A Murderer...

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2015
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Hi all, I haven't been on here in a while, I apologise but unfortunately maternity leave doesn't last long! Lol

Anyway my tank has been going great for a while now, no problems, no deaths, expected or unexpected (touch wood now I've said that!)

But tonight during my routine weekly water change as I poured some sand back in after being sucked out it got on some leaves, nothing new there I just gave them a bit of a wipe as I normally do, only to realise one leaf was not full of sand but eggs!

Yep eggs

These eggs belonged to my precious German blues. To say I am devastated is an understatement!

I don't think any survived, my fish are now on super alert and are guarding the leaf like crazy, even though clutz here has lost all their eggs :(

Will they breed again?? Will they go revenge (you killed our babies) crazy?

I feel absolutely awful, I probably won't sleep tonight because of it!

I just want to know my little guys will be OK.

Any help or advice will be very much appreciated!

Thanks guys
Will they breed again?
I am sure they will.
Will they go revenge (you killed our babies) crazy?
Yes I can see the male jumping out of the tank and fin slapping your hand LOL
I just want to know my little guys will be OK.
Any help or advice will be very much appreciated!
Be more careful next time.
These things happen its no big deal
Hahaha, thanks nick.

They seem OK today, I never imagined they'd breed so didn't even think to keep a look out for their behaviour!

In hindsight, it was fairly obvious.

Lesson learned, hopefully they will have another go and we will have little German blue babies!

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