It's at these times...


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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Jack, lovable crawl in your lap go for walks and curl up on your chest at bedtime kitty who we've had since he was born has officially gone MIA. Tuesday we let him outside while we we're shoveling snow off the driveway, something we do all the time since Jack loves the outdoors and never goes off our property. He didn't return that night. Okay, we could handle that, he hadn't been out in the day before so he had things to catch up on. Now it's Saturday morning, a call to the animal shelter and checks of the road and he's still nowhere to be found. The most disturbing part of this is that my cat Ghost disappeared on January 2nd of last year, wasn't seen again till July and then he refused to let any of us get close to him, even though he was Jack's brother and was with us from his birth too. Ghost was then found dead (by me while pulling out onto the road) in the middle of the road last August. Now it seems that Jack has gone missing the same damn month Ghost did and hasn't come back, which was something out of the Twilight Zone for both cats. My moms upset since he was her favorite cat, and I'm upset because the circumstances are strange and I miss Jack! Tomorrow I'm going door to door to all the houses around here in case someone took him in, but I'm so upset that he's going to get killed by someone mean (he's friendly, so he might have went to the wrong persons door) when my mom went to the vet to get our dog some more medicine she ran into a friend whose cat had been shot by some A$$HOLE and now I'm worried Jack might have been shot or something. And I now how cruel people can be because my stepdad used to swerve to hit cats while he was driving, even with us kids in the car screaming at him to stop and he used to sic his JRT on stray cats, if he didn't just shoot them outright. I haven't really told my mom all this is on my mind cause I know she already is probably thinking the same things but I'm so freakin worried I had to freak out somewhere! :-(
I am so sorry, I've had a cat go missing before and it's the most awful feeling having no idea :/ I think door to door is a good idea, but if I could make a suggestion...make up flyers and sticl them in mailboxes/doorhandles of houses within a radius of your house. We did this with our cat Nicole when she was lost. I simply printed a page with a picture of her, description, how much she meant to us, and a phone number. Turned out an elderly woman two blocks away had found her a week before and didn't get the newspaper and wasn't aware that we had an animal shelter.

Maybe ask your neighbors to check their garages, sheds, etc where your kitty may be trapped.

Good luck, you are in my thoughts, it's just horrible :(
OH that is so sad that someone would actually shoot cats on purpose! :grr:
I hope you find Jack and please keep us updated!
Good luck
My squishy Jack is back!!! I went to take our dog out to pee and the next thing I know I hear meowing and Jacks waiting at the door yelling to be let in! He looks fine, mom thinks someone had him in their house, he even looks a little chubby lol, but omg we're so freaking happy! I was so worried the same thing was going to happen to Jack that happened to Ghost and I couldn't take that again! Lousy litte poop, first thing he did was run to his food dish and was all impatient cause it needed filled! I've been doing the happy dance ever since, now I gotta go check on him again....
AWESOME to hear Ninja !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper:
:clap: Yey! We've had our cats go missing before, most of the time Bobbie got stuck in the house behind us 's greenhouse.... Stupid moggy.
Glad to hear your kitter came back! :thumbs:
Thats the trouble with letting cats outdoors; they love it, but it has oh-so-many risks, from fights and pregnancy to disease to cars to yes, even jerks who shoot ferals. I'm pleased to finally see things like cat-proof fencing and cat enclosures on the market; hopefully as interest in them rises, prices will go down so more people can have safe, secure indoor/outdoor cats.

Funny tangent story: there was a feral cat colony at our local deli, and they wanted to have the cats exterminated, but we managed to talk them into letting us to a TNR program, set up some sleeping houses, and feed them so it was a healthy, managed colony instead. While we were trapping, we caught a friendly male, intact, with some typical tom-cat scars and proceeded to have him nuetered, vaccinated and ear-notched as he was caught within the boundaries of the colony. Some woman was FURIOUS because it was her cat, but frankly we did her a big favor; he's no longer getting in fights, producing litters, and isn't at risk of getting nearly as many diseases from those ferals. We did more to protect his wellbeing than she ever did, and she was threatening to sue! Good thing she didn't try, because as the law stands the store could have had animal control catch any cats there and have them all killed within a few days. Stupid lady.

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