It's Amazing What You Can Find At Wal-Mart!

rattlesnake - Thanks so much! He's doing quite well in his new home...can't wait to get him some buddies. ;) :wub:

AlexsDaddy- I had that prolem with some of mine too. They eventually ate though. Don't wory to much about it. :wub:
I have two bettas that I thought weren't eating, but I quickly found that they're just selective eaters. I have one betta that's afraid of bloodworms (thinks it's gonna attack him or something) and another that won't eat those little betta ball thingies. I've even tried different brands of betta ball thingies (Hikari, Wardly etc), he just won't eat them but eats anything else. I suggest just trying to find different kinds of foods.
I agree with tekknocolor. One of my males will only eat the food when it falls from the top, one eats a mix of flake and betta food, and my female will only eat flake. They are very selective eaters. Try different things...something is bound to work out. ;)

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