iggy01 said:
You make some good points there littleme!
But what's confusing about this hobby is..... what works for one person, doesn't always work for another. And that can be very frustrating!
I agree.. its all a bit of trail and error, there are so many factors to consider. The tap water you are using in the first place for example.. how hard or soft it is, this can have an effect on the take up of minerals by the plants.
I have seen it said on here many times and I followed the advice myself..
Follow the basic rules of plant care..buy plants that suit your water conditions/light conditions.. stick them em in there... see what grows and, what dies don't buy any more of it..lol
You will always get some plants that thrive and others that just won't do a thing even when you try your very hardest. Thats unless your a SUPER PLANT BOFFIN which sadly i'm not..lol great in th garden and with house plants, but very mid line with the aquatic variety.
So I guess what i'm trying to say is.. don't sweat over the small stuff!
or it will drive you nuts.