It Took Two Hours To Water Change


Fish Herder
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
london UK
i cant lift heavy loads coz im currently crippled so i have to take out realy small amounts of water....
has this happened to anyone else?
i broke my collar bone on sunday and they just seem so daunting... :(

this happens too me way too much so i was wondering if it happens to neone else
Why not use a python? There is info about them in the diy/hardware section of the forum.
i injured my self whilst doing a water change...i ripped a tendon in my finger whilst lifting a 25 litre container of water and my finger had to be sliced open and the tendon re attatched. its healed pretty well now though but i have to wear a brace on my finger did you brake your collar bone?
pythons seem like alot of effort .... i might give it a try

um i broke it when i was free running... duno i u no what a cheat gainer is but.... its hard.... i did one, was so pleased i tried it again and failed :(
when i broke a rib( well its not a rib it was the bone that gose down the middle of your ribs) i just made my mum do water changes lol.
yeh I make my hubby do mine if I can't manage them...but then I only use a 9L bucket so I don't kill my back (am nearly 7months pregnant so heavy lifting not much fun right now!)
i reckon i will do an injury one day as i do my water upstairs in the shower then carry a 40 litre bin downstairs then lift the ####er over 6 foot to put the water in the tank
i do this 3 times every 4 days lol
i reckon i will do an injury one day as i do my water upstairs in the shower then carry a 40 litre bin downstairs then lift the ####er over 6 foot to put the water in the tank
i do this 3 times every 4 days lol
ouch lol

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