It came from the deep


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
I havn't seem my Cameroon aromoured shrimp
Atyopsis gabonensis for ages,
just look at the size of this monster :eek:


I knew they got to 15cm but seeing it is just jaw dropping.

BTW the loaches were just checking him out, there was no
attacks of any kind from either party.
WoW fabulous pics ! I love all your loaches :drool: :wub:
Lovely shrimp! We don't see ours very often either, just the shed skins every now and then. I think they are a very underated species.

cometcattle said:
Why are you hiding them in this forum? :lol:

I'm not hiding them :p

LadyMinion said:
Lovely shrimp! We don't see ours very often either, just the shed skins every now and then. I think they are a very underated species.

I'm honoured to see you post in one of my threads
thanks for the praise :cool:

Thanks to all that have responded :thumbs:
Paul I see you have a botia Angelicus. They are sooo cool. I lost mine a long time ago!!! :rip:

I have 4 B.angelicus. sorry for your loss Julia
we only have one left at work but expect more stock this friday.
Your Botia striata look good too. Ive been trying to find some for a while and cant seem to find any around here. I guess they arent as common
Cheers Paul, but I lost my botia with my massive disaster first time round with my tank. I am fully stocked in all now, and they would not be suitable for my set-ups!

Thanks for your help today! I have scrubbed my rocks and tank clean and replaced the plants. King Tiger Plec is V. unhappy at the moment so I will add the Phosvec tomorrow when he has calmed down!

See you soon.

He's gorgeous, you can just imagine all of the loaches going "Hiya!" in a high pitched voice. Or maybe that's just me laughing at it... :)

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