New Member
Hi, I'm new to owning fish and I have had some problems with my tank. I have a 20 long with gravel topped with sand substrate, and ive planted java fern, amazon sword plant, crested java fern, moneywort, anubias, and a moss ball. I let the tank cycle for two weeks before getting any fish. I got 4 Julii cory catfish and one panda cory catfish, as well as a couple small shrimp. I let them settle in and I did not have any issues with them, I later got 2 ghost catfish and and one Colombian zebra pleco. I also have three fake rocks in my tank and a piece of driftwood. I first noticed some issues around a couple weeks after I got my fish, one of my julii cory was lethargic and seemed to have a bit red gills. I thought it might have been because of high ammonia however it was between 0-.25 ppm and none of the other fish appeared the same way. I did a water change and added api ammino lock just in case. later the week two other corys passed away, they seemed to have issues with their swim bladders since they were not able to swim straight. I picked up api melalax and api pimafix to take care of any possible issues. Throughout this my ph has been around 7.4-7.6, temp 76, and nitrates, nitrites and ammonia at 0 ppm. my other fish passed away a couple days a couple days after the corys. After this I had one Julii and panda left. they were all good for a couple weeks but this past week my Julii passed away and now my panda is looking sick. I also used microbe lyft to treat any parasites a couple of weeks before, since I noticed some small white worms on the glass. the worms did not appear to harm the fish and looked like detritus worms. I just don't know what is causing this it does not appear to be fin rot, itch or dropsy I think it might be a bacterial infection or possible constipation however I use the recommended food for my fish and fast them two times a week. they get fed specific wafers for cory, shrimp wafer, and algae wafer, and some frozen food. they get fed once a day and I make sure to clean out the excess food. my shrimp have been good this whole time and my water parameters have stayed constant besides a couple days of raised ammonia in the beginning of my tank set up. Any help or possible reasons as to why this is happening would be amazing I just feel horrible that they are passing away and it feels like I am unable to help them. I'm planning on treating with stronger antibacterial but besides that I'm not sure. Also when I do water changes I use api stress coat and api quick start and I do a 25 percent water change every two weeks. Thank you for any advice on what I should do.