Is Water Dechlorinator Really Nesacery?

If they stopped making prime I would throw the biggest hissy fit. I bought 2 500ml bottles for 22 quid off vitamin grocer. 5ml for every 200 l of water I change means that for that price with free delivery it batters all other dechlorinators. Api is good but I wouldn't use it over prime as it doesn't go as far or detoxify nitrite and ammonia. You don't need another product to make metals safe or remove chlorine. Prime is it all in one bottle.

I should work for seachem lol
balajake said:
If they stopped making prime I would throw the biggest hissy fit. I bought 2 500ml bottles for 22 quid off vitamin grocer. 5ml for every 200 l of water I change means that for that price with free delivery it batters all other dechlorinators. Api is good but I wouldn't use it over prime as it doesn't go as far or detoxify nitrite and ammonia. You don't need another product to make metals safe or remove chlorine. Prime is it all in one bottle.

I should work for seachem lol
Or at least buy their stock... hmmm...
swordtail_king83 said:
well I don't know what or who to believe then because my pails I just checked are your everyday joe blow 10L round cleaning pails. and if I know im changing my 30 gallon tank say, once ive removed that full pail of water, dumped it down the sink, refilled with fresh water, before I add that water to the tank I will add the dose of water dechlorinator (like aquaplus) for 30 gallons. which in that case for the 30g tank is 15ml. so I will pour the recommended 15 ml in the new pail of water then add to my tank. when I follow dosing instructions on any dechlorinator product if it says so many MLs per so many us gallons I go by my tank size for dosing. example-label says 5ml per 10 us gallons, even tho my pails are only the avg 10L size and im changing say a 30 gallon tank, each pail I will add I add 15ML to each pail before adding to the tank as 15ML would treat a 30 gallon tank. if ur saying that's not how you measure it and u go by your pail size?? who do u believe??
You only need to dechlorinate the water that has chlorine IN IT.  So, if you are using buckets, pails, etc. you add only the amount of dechlorinator for the BUCKET/PAIL/WHATHAVE YOU for each one.  When I used buckets I did it that way, and there's no problem (far less expensive).  If you are doing what I do NOW, and use a hose to add the water directly from the sink to the tank via a hose, you can't dechlorinate it separately from the rest of the tank, so you need to add it directly to the tank, and because of the sheer volume of water, you need to add it for the full volume of the tank.
So, if you are doing a 7 gallon water change on the 30 gallon tank ~ 25%, once you've removed the 25% from the tank... (the fish will be fine in less water while you refill it) you only have to add 1.25mlL (consider upping the dose to 1.5mL or 2mL if its easier to measure) directly to the BUCKET as you refill it.  Then add it to the tank.  Then repeat, until the water level of the tank is back to where you want it.  No wonder you were so worried about the amount of dechlorinator you were going to be going through.  Incidentally, prime also comes in smaller bottles which tell you how many drops are needed for each Liter, I believe.   I think its 1 drop per liter, or something like that (but that may only be for chlorine, and not chloramines - chloramines require a higher dose).  Not NEARLY as much as you've been using.
Here it is:
Directions for Prime...
Use 2 drops for each 4L (1 US gallon) of new water. This dose removes approximately 1mg/L ammonia, 4mg/L chloramine, or 5 mg/L chlorine. May be added to aquarium directly, but is better if added to new water first. If adding directly to aquarium, base does on aquarium volume. Sulfur odor is normal. For exceptionally high chloramine concentrations, a double dose may be used safely. To detoxify nitrite in an emergency, up to 5 times normal dose may be used. if temperature is >30C (86F) and chlorine or ammonia levels are low, use a half dose.
So, if you are adding it to the 10L bucket, 5 or 6 drops per bucket will do you just fine.  You could even bump that up to 8-10 drops and still be using FAR less than you were talking about earlier.
thanks guys you really clarified the mystery of trying to understand what the dosing label really means lol. like I said my brand (hagen aquaplus) says add 5ml per 10 us gal. so I was under the assumption all along that you dose according to what size of tank your changing the if it was a 20 gallon tank in that example I wud add 10ML to the 10LITRE pail then pour it in the tank lol but if your saying to dose the dechlorinator according to how much water is in the pail (in my case 10LITRES of new water) then that changes everything and ill be using far LESS then ever before!! LOL. thanks guys. for the record I googled seachem prime. now im hooked, ive jumped ship over to prime and im sticking with it from now on, I don't mnd it gets shipped ll the way from the USA, for the low price and extreme concentration, this 500 ml prime will last ages n ages, especially if I have to dose for 10 litres not gallons LOL. thanks!!
Glad to help out.
I really need to buy Seachem stock!  Another satisfied customer, and he hasn't even used it yet!  
ok so I got my prime. it arrived finally. ive been doing my water changes with it and you guys are all right, u barely need any of it in the pail. it is clear like water. not yellow in color like aquaplus lol. well ive been adding ONLY 1/8th of a tsp (0.6ml) in my 10L pails. doesn't even look like much besides a few drops going in the pail but my fish don't seem to mind, and my waters nice and clear!! thank u all for recommending prime to me. wow at this rate using an eighth of a tsp (0.6 ml) per 10L pail, this 500ml bottle of prime will last me FOREVER :D. thanks
I looked into it, Seachem is not publicly traded!  
  So, I can't buy stock in them!  Very upsetting... but I'm glad you are happy with Prime.

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