is this weird?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2003
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I bought 3 clown loaches today and I have 2 buenos aires tetras. They are schooling together, they swim and play together and are all sticking together. They have been together nonstop for hours. I thought fish only school with their own species. Is this unusual? They look so happy and are so much fun to watch. It just seems so strange to me but a pleasant surprise. :D
I have never of loaches doing that i have heard of tetras shoaling with other kinds of tetras. And my Halequin rasboras shoal with my black harlequin (colour morph)
and my glowlights but my loaches don't. WEIRD!!
Mine do it too...I read somewhere the other day its common for them to do it especially if they are the same colour or have the same markings.

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