Is This Vertical Bars On My Female?

agree i love to see a vt

i have read on this forum loads of times about these fish in really bad conditions in small jars.

i have not seen this in any of the shops i go in in hull or surrounding areas, all vts have been in tanks and really healthy .

i know of two shops in the area who will gladly take any babys off you if your lucky enough to breed them.

good luck :good:

Thanks sharon :) up to i got 3 fish stores in hull who will take them so not bad i guess, also when you have persuaded your hubby to let you have some, you can have some as well lol..

ps, thanks for the leafs :)

your welcome :good:
i'm not having a go, but personally I really like VT's, I think it's a shame there are never any on aquabid in glorious colours to admire, I think if people spent the time developing their colours and patterning as much as they spent on say CT's and SD's, etc....there would then be a market for them, I for one would probably stick to VT then.....
if only everyone had this opinion. i dont mind vts, and if i see one with a colour that catches my eye, il consider him.

its a shame there is no real market for VTs, i think if they were recognised by the betta clubs and held classes for them in shows once more (they dont anymore) their popularity would increase and there would a demand for them.

as it stands however, there is little demand for VT among people who know what they are doing with betta. most pet shop VTs end up in either ornamental cups or nipped to shreds in comunty tanks with barbs and tetras, and hence do not live as long as they could. its a shame realy...
VTs are prety, but unfortunately there is no serious demand for the hundreds of thousands being bred comercialy for pet stores world wide :no:

awww that thing about the showing is a real shame, i saw a very beat up ill looking cellophane VT at a pet store the othre day, i'd have rescued him but by the looks of him he wouldn't even have lasted the ride home :(
I'm a huge fan of marble VT's....would pick them up regardless, must admit I just have a thing for any tail type that is blue and mustard or blue and orange atm.... :drool:
if only we could get that sort of thing over here!
hollypop, i was looking into taking my time into improving my VT tails and colours....
so ill give you a shout if and when i have VT fry
So then back to topic which i think only 1 person answered.... is it vertical bars????????????????????????????
i'm not having a go, but personally I really like VT's, I think it's a shame there are never any on aquabid in glorious colours to admire, I think if people spent the time developing their colours and patterning as much as they spent on say CT's and SD's, etc....there would then be a market for them, I for one would probably stick to VT then.....
if only everyone had this opinion. i dont mind vts, and if i see one with a colour that catches my eye, il consider him.

its a shame there is no real market for VTs, i think if they were recognised by the betta clubs and held classes for them in shows once more (they dont anymore) their popularity would increase and there would a demand for them.

as it stands however, there is little demand for VT among people who know what they are doing with betta. most pet shop VTs end up in either ornamental cups or nipped to shreds in comunty tanks with barbs and tetras, and hence do not live as long as they could. its a shame realy...
VTs are prety, but unfortunately there is no serious demand for the hundreds of thousands being bred comercialy for pet stores world wide :no:

awww that thing about the showing is a real shame, i saw a very beat up ill looking cellophane VT at a pet store the othre day, i'd have rescued him but by the looks of him he wouldn't even have lasted the ride home :(
I'm a huge fan of marble VT's....would pick them up regardless, must admit I just have a thing for any tail type that is blue and mustard or blue and orange atm.... :drool:
if only we could get that sort of thing over here!
hollypop, i was looking into taking my time into improving my VT tails and colours....
so ill give you a shout if and when i have VT fry

awww excellent I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
what sort of colours you going to persue......join mine and blue bettas bid to put VT back on the betta map!
i'm not having a go, but personally I really like VT's, I think it's a shame there are never any on aquabid in glorious colours to admire, I think if people spent the time developing their colours and patterning as much as they spent on say CT's and SD's, etc....there would then be a market for them, I for one would probably stick to VT then.....
if only everyone had this opinion. i dont mind vts, and if i see one with a colour that catches my eye, il consider him.

its a shame there is no real market for VTs, i think if they were recognised by the betta clubs and held classes for them in shows once more (they dont anymore) their popularity would increase and there would a demand for them.

as it stands however, there is little demand for VT among people who know what they are doing with betta. most pet shop VTs end up in either ornamental cups or nipped to shreds in comunty tanks with barbs and tetras, and hence do not live as long as they could. its a shame realy...
VTs are prety, but unfortunately there is no serious demand for the hundreds of thousands being bred comercialy for pet stores world wide :no:

awww that thing about the showing is a real shame, i saw a very beat up ill looking cellophane VT at a pet store the othre day, i'd have rescued him but by the looks of him he wouldn't even have lasted the ride home :(
I'm a huge fan of marble VT's....would pick them up regardless, must admit I just have a thing for any tail type that is blue and mustard or blue and orange atm.... :drool:
if only we could get that sort of thing over here!
hollypop, i was looking into taking my time into improving my VT tails and colours....
so ill give you a shout if and when i have VT fry

awww excellent I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
what sort of colours you going to persue......join mine and blue bettas bid to put VT back on the betta map!

whatever i can get lol, i have a royal blue and a bright red....
and shimmer is almost black...
but i have several SD females that would give the VT line a much thicker tail (fingers crossed!)
my spawn tanks occupied at the moment but at first moment i can ill try it!
how do the marble lines of colour come about?
they're my favvvourite...mmmmmmm....Odin's a blue/pinky red :)
So then back to topic which i think only 1 person answered.... is it vertical bars? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???

yes they are vertical bars
Yes they are Verticle lines :)
she can be released now
ill make a new thread

Dont stop hijacking the thread on my account, i dont mind honestly ** nose grew** :) honest i dont ***nose grew more***

:rofl: :clap:

So do you think it will be sunny tmorrow or raining, wonder what the queen is doing for dinner? :rofl: :clap:
Back to the original question. The bars on that female are the right ones for a ready female but are not as intense as the ones I have seen in the past. It may be she is not well enough condtioned yet to get the really intense coloring of the vertical bars that means she is ready to go.

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