is this true?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Van Island, BC, Canada
My dad told me that he read somewhere that if in a large enough tank, 2 males could be kept in the same tank. I have a 90g community tank, with some peaceful, and semi-aggressive fish (mostly the tiger barbs)....I have one of my bettas in there now, he used to be in a 1g tank, then over to a 20g community, then when I got my new 90, over into there....I didnt think this was true, but my dad said he read that bettas only fight over territory and that if theres a large enough space for them botht o make territories it'd be ok...??
no, thogh its alot better than keeping 2 males in a 10g tank its juts not safe, they will still cross paths and they will still fight, its juts what they do -_-
I have also read that 2 males could be kept in a large enough tank (provided that there is enough space for one to get away and hid if necessary). In the wild the males may cross paths, but one will usually end up swimming quickly away to avoid the fight.
U have a male betta in with tiger barbs? I have always understood tht tiger babrs will nip male bettas to the extent they could die? Actually, u have a big tank so maybe they dnt cross paths too often?
everything in my 90g is pretty peaceful...i even have firemouths in there, but because of what they've been raised with (since they were 1") they're sooo's probably the CAE that is the most aggressive in the tank! Actaully the barbs totally leave my betta alone...they cross paths all the time...the serpae tetras like to egg him on, but my betta gets them back!
One of my lfs had two male bettas in a 55 gal!!
They fins weren't ripped to shreds, but it also didn't look like they were happy, hanging around the surface and all.

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