Is This True

Can you try some pictures of your sick one? And this is just an idea but if the black dots are near here gravid spot they sould be baby eyes.
i have a 25 U.S. gallon tank with a filter that is siuted for 20 to 50 gallon tanks, but the guppy had it when i bought it and i just didn't notice, so it's not my setup, just incase it is something else here is the description, it is a small oval shaped spot greyish-white in colour and is about the size of a grain of large table salt, hope this helps
now i'm not sure wheather it's itch or swimbladder anymore :shout: please describe swimbladder so i can further diagnose the issue

I repeat, it is ich and not itch, but swimbladder problems are when your fish displays a balance problem & "corkscrews" through the water....
ok, it hasn't been able to swim staight but it isn't doing corkscrews, it's body was very crooked but now i can't even tell that anything is wrong with it, do you think it might have recovered?
here is a picture of the side that was infected, i say was in hope she is no longer infected


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She's definitely pregnant thats for sure...
She looks healthy. I'd say if she's having trouble swimming it's the early stages of swim bladder. It gets worse later. Sorry.
Sorry to have to say this. That guppy looks terrible. It is wasting away compared to what it should look like. It is not just thin from lack of being gravid, it is thinner than it should ever be. I would post that picture in the Tropical Fish Emergencies section and ask for help from people that routinely deal with sick fish. If I had a female look like that, she would be in the hospital tank while I figured out how to treat her.
Maybe just put her on a giant diet. SHe seems just to be not eating enough. Try brine shrimp and feed her 3-4 times a day.
Well, I didn't mean overffed I just meant feed on a schedule. Also, brine shrimp are way healthier for a unhealthy fish.

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