I have 5 zebra danios (short fin kind) and 3 danio kyathit/danio burma (ocelot danios, they look like the coat pattern of this wild cat), a gold gourami, 2 german blue rams, 2 angels, a synodontis (upside down catfish) and a white cloud minnow. My angels leave the fish alone except when mating. They protect the eggs by chasing other fish away. If you are wondering where my danios feed, they come to the top to eat and will swim to the bottom to eat some of the food that falls down there.
What kind of cories do you have? I love cories. Thinking of getting a few myself.
You need more danios, they like bigger groups... My different types will school together so you can get another version if you want.
And one thing, don't let your family talk you into buying tiger barbs
I really like them but they tend to pick on other fish and their fins if not kept in the right size group.
Some colorful fish I have seen
Boeseman's rainbow (schooling fish, can get quite big, 5 should do)
Banded rainbow (schooling fish, can get quite big, 5 should do)
German Blue Rams (heard they can be sensitive to water quality, mine haven't had problems. I keep a male and a female)
Gouramis (I say you keep one of these if you get the common blue or gold versions. Mine always fought so now I keep one. Some people say dwarf gouramis are prone to disease. Other versions I do not know about.)
Assorted Swordtails
There are some cool looking plecos but they may eat plants and some get really huge and produce a lot of waste. Not to mention, some are really expensive.
There are also shrimps but my angels eat them. I don't know about the large shrimp though, like Bamboo (also called Singapore) Shrimp and African Giant Filter Shrimp. You will have to ask if the angels will eat them.
Take back the neons. On you first post, you said you have guppies. Where did those go? Take those back too. You can keep the rest of your fish with the angels. Would you take back some angels? I would say 1, 2 (if a pair) or 6+. But 6+ with your size of tank AND other fish... might be pushing it. Tolak's suggestion should work. I mean he does breed them so he knows what he is talking about ;P