Is This Tank Too Overstocked?


I know where you live
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
Peoria, Illinois
Hi! I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 kribs( pair), 2 brichardi( about 2 inch), 2 borelli's apistogrammas, and 2 tadpoles( science fair experiment, and 1 baby pleco. I have a whisper second nature 60 gallon filtration system and a top fin 30 gallon filter. Is this tank way overstocked?
1inch of a fish is about 1 gallon of tank, just work that out by the size of your fish, this is just a outline though..
But cichlids can be aggressive and each need there own territories.

nah you have lots of room! try a blue crayfish for some ground action and a couple danios for upper water action. good luck :good:
But cichlids can be aggressive and each need there own territories.

nah you have lots of room! try a blue crayfish for some ground action and a couple danios for upper water action. good luck :good:

Careful with the blue crayfish - mine will uproot any plant i try and plant in the tank. Can also be aggressive with the fish when he's feeling threatened. Or hungry.
Yeah the blue cray fish doesn't mind eating a slow moving fish or too...
My brichardi are growing well and eating fine in my tanks ph which is 7.7. I forgot that I have a small 2-3 inch crayfish and he destroyed every plant in my tank.

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