Is This Suitable For A Beta?

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
I have an empty plastic fish tank which I was hoping I could keep a male Beta in. It is 28cm long, 18cm wide and 19.5cm high, I think it holds about 10 litres. I have a 25 watt heater and an Elite mini filter I can use with it.
Will this be ok or is it to small? I know Betas are kept in small tanks but would like to make sure it will be happy in there before I get one.
Thanks in advance for any comments.
10 litres is around 4-5 gallons, right?

If so, that will be perfectly fine! The only thing I would suggest is to make sure that the filter doesn't move the water around too much... most bettas don't like strong current at all.
Sorry I have no idea how many gallons it is, the filter isn't very powerful so it shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks for the speedy response.
about 2.5-3 gallons i think that is.. should be fine yea :)

Yep, just found my convertor program. 2.6 gallons. Smaller than I thought, but still perfectly okay.

Also, as long as you keep up with the water changes, a filter should not be needed in a tank that small.
I'm glad that the tank will be big enough as I have been wanting a Beta for ages and all the pictures on here are so nice I decided I had to have one. Would it be best to use the filter if it isn't too powerful? It say it is for tanks upto 3 gallons.
Thanks for your replys.
Well, I have 4 tanks about that size, and none of them have filters. I change the water once every 1-2 weeks, sometimes even less if I'm really busy, and all of my fish are perfectly happy. :) I wouldn't use it unless it was needed. Conserve electricity, and you don't have to worry about the betta being stressed out by the current. :)
Thanks, at least it will save on plug sockets. When I change the water do I have to change the whole lot each time? If so can I put the Beta in a small bowl while I do?
I usually do a 100% change. The betta will be fine in a small bowl until the water change is done, as long as you have a lid on it. Bettas can and will jump.

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