Is this set up good for dwarf african frogs?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2021
Reaction score
Troy PA
Once my larger rank cycles (almost complete) the only fish in my 10 gallon will be my baby betta. I'm thinking of adding dwarf African frogs. Is this set up safe for them? All my big opening are covered. How many frogs should I get?
Hey :)
African Dwarf Frogs do better in species tank.
Betta does better alone.
Tank preferably longer than high.
Slow current sponge filter.
Sand or smooth and small gravel.
NO rocks as they can get stuck under and die.
Many hidingplaces like coco-cave and plants (Egeria densa, Eichhornia crassipes).
Prefer live food.
Temp. 20 to 27°C (68-80°F).
pH 6.8 to 7.5 idealy 7
°GH 5 to 20 idealy 10-12 (89-356 ppm).
Hope this helped :)
Hey :)
African Dwarf Frogs do better in species tank.
Betta does better alone.
Tank preferably longer than high.
Slow current sponge filter.
Sand or smooth and small gravel.
NO rocks as they can get stuck under and die.
Many hidingplaces like coco-cave and plants (Egeria densa, Eichhornia crassipes).
Prefer live food.
Temp. 20 to 27°C (68-80°F).
pH 6.8 to 7.5 idealy 7
°GH 5 to 20 idealy 10-12 (89-356 ppm).
Hope this helped :)
I THINK this is a long tank and I have a show cyrrebt filter for my betta and I think my gravel is big enough (its the glo fish gravel) and I have a mix of fake plants and live ones but if I need more just let me know! I keep hearing mixed things about their food. I currently have freeze dried blood worms but to mix that and drinking pellets every other day?
I THINK this is a long tank and I have a show cyrrebt filter for my betta and I think my gravel is big enough (its the glo fish gravel) and I have a mix of fake plants and live ones but if I need more just let me know! I keep hearing mixed things about their food. I currently have freeze dried blood worms but to mix that and drinking pellets every other day?
Hi I've kept Adf for 20 years and although they can be kept with fish as they live relatively happy along side each other, it is advisable to keep them alone within their own species. Adf are almost blind and have very poor eye sight, this can lead to them mistaking the movement of a fish for food, therefore accidentally nipping tails ect. Frog will not tolerate fish disease treatment either, so hoping you never have to treat the tank for fishy infections you will have to remove the frogs. I have found Sand is better substrate for frogs and they can find food easily on the surface of it, if they have too much competition feeding a large tank is not the best. Never feed freeze dried food it causes an array of problems, feed bloodworm frozen or black worm tiny shrimp and mosquito lava. Frogs also love a fresh cool water change every so often which replicates the fresh rain downpours where they naturally will move in to a breeding mode. Frogs are wonderful creatures but they really have a total difference to the needs of fish. Lots of people keep them together with no problems at all but personally they thrive a lot better as individuals.

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