Is This Salt Any Good?


Marine Keeper..
Apr 20, 2009
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Ok, so this is the salt im hoping to use to get my tank going is it any good (please tell me it is lol)

should do fine with that yf....mix up a small amonut and do some tests on it before putting in tank..then you'll know for certain
test for phosphates mainly..if you got them try for magnesium and calcium as well but reef crystals should be good for these readings
Buddy, I have no RO water apart from the stuff im buying tommorow to actually fill the tank. So do you think that it will be ok? And am I right in thinking I just add salt then test the SG then keep adding to get it presise. Hopefully I wont go over SG as I dont have enough money to buy more RO water lol
that's a different looking reef crystals than the one i buy, but if it's the same thing/different package from what i'm told it's the high quality stuff.

I usually dump about 5 cups of salt in 5 gallons of water, test it, add more. But i have an endless supply of RO. I've never gone over though.

If you want to, test it after each cup... it's easy with your refractometer and uses basically no water.

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