Is This Normal?


Sep 23, 2007
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I went into my lfs for some test kits today, and they happened to have a number of male bettas in stock. They were basically kept in what looked like jam jars, on a shelf, just one fish in each jar. They looked pretty miserable too.

I was so tempted to buy at least one but I don't have a spare tank and it isn't really practical. It just looked so inhumane :no:
which country are you from? It seems to be quite the norm in the states unfortunately but over the pond here in the UK it's not so commonly practised.

It's such a shame isn't it?
I'm in the UK. It was a shop I hadn't been to before, and I don't think I'll go back. Apart from the issue with the bettas, I didn't find the man very helpful at all.
it is a great shame they keep them like it, luckily i haven't found one yet or i'd have to take them all home :rolleyes:
Don't know if I should name and shame the shop involved, but I'm based in Kent and the shop is not a chain, just a one off independent aquatic centre quite near me.
isnt that just as bad as keeping them in them little display tanks that clip onto the front of your tank though
isnt that just as bad as keeping them in them little display tanks that clip onto the front of your tank though
yes and the point is you shouldn't, and nor should the shop as it's bad practice for customers to see fish kept in those sorts of conditions.

ETA: Lizzie, if you want could you please PM me the name of the shop? I'm based in Dorset but visit Kent and East Sussex regularly to see family. Might go in there and give them a piece of my mind!
There is a shop in Essex that displays its betters in nice little glass cubes on the shop floor but ask if they have any more and they will bring out about 3-4 trays full of little jam jars from the store- these jars are filled to the brim with no lids or heaters and groggy water. I think that this is becoming more and more normal
grrr swallow aquatics....i remember a chap in tenterden asking me why I keep my bettas in tanks 'cos they are perfectly happy in those 1 litre critter keepers on a windowsill' grrrrrrr :angry:
No but i hate them too :grr: its in Basildon

Now there's a thing, I was in there today... even the fish on the floor didn't look happy, they weren't particularly active, just sitting on the tank floor and you know what else, Danielle Mariette supplies the fish there.

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