Is This Normal For Panda Cory Doras?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
Purchaes 3 little panda cory's from lfs today. All appear to be in excellent health and were selected from a tank of healthy tank mates from a very reputable lfs.

However, since I got them home and settled into their tank, they have been very active, swimming up and down lots and never seem to rest. In the lfs they were very peaceful so i was just checking that this is normal cory behaviour.

The tank is well aerated with an air stone and plenty of surface water disturbance from the filter and the lights have been off.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
PH 7

I'm an anxious new cory owner sop any advice is appreciated

Thanks :)
Sounds like normal Cory behaviour to me! All my Corys have exhibited similar behaviour! IMO you've nothing to worry about! Enjoy them! :D
Cories seem to be very active like that when they are young. The C. Aeneus are known to do this. I know mine did. They will calm down a lot when they get older.
Cories seem to be very active like that when they are young. The C. Aeneus are known to do this. I know mine did. They will calm down a lot when they get older.

I think they must b very young as the ones that I have, the biggest is only just 2 cm. Thinking about it, I keep forgetting that peaceful doesn't also mean inactive. When I first got the platys I made the same mistake, thought because they were described as peaceful, they woouldn't do much. They never stop! I can spend hours watching them all :D

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