Is This Kribensis Spawning Behaviour

Use any thing you got, tubes, pots, plastic plants, stones...
Imho live plants are good for any tank and fish. But if your filter is working correctly they should be fine without live plants too.
hobby5 said:
They are very uncomplicated. Your water is fine and also the gravel is fine. They are cave breeders. I would guess your tubes are perfectly fine and I would wait and watch. If it does not work out then you can go and change it. Best to go on youtube and watch some videos of kribensis spawning

I would remove those platies, because they will not like it as soon as the kribensis start to spawn.
I would actually argue that the gravel too big. Kribs like to dig and part of setting up their spawning spot is digging around to make it how they want it. I'm not saying they won't breed (as you've already said you've bred Kribs before) but maybe next time think about having a smaller substrate.

I agree with the fact that they're uncomplicated so you shouldn't have any worry about them breeding. My only concern would be the size of that tank. I think its too small. Its entirely possible that once the eggs are laid and hatched that the female might turn on the male for a little while and chase him off. Your tank is quite small so there is nowhere for him to go. Sometimes they just need a cooling off period and then revert to defending their young. If he can't retreat far enough away you could be in trouble.
You might be right, that is why I recommended more hiding places. It would also be possible to rehome the male and only leave the female with the offspring.
And I agree in an ideal world nearly all tanks would have sand and live plants :)
I have some other ornaments I can put in to break up the line of sight and lunar jetman do you think I should remove the gravel from underneath the tubes so that they have a bare bottom or should I do something else to make it easier so that they can build their cave how they like
hobby5 said:
You might be right, that is why I recommended more hiding places. It would also be possible to rehome the male and only leave the female with the offspring.
And I agree in an ideal world nearly all tanks would have sand and live plants
I wouldn't rehome the male if i could avoid it. He will take an active part in the care of the young so you could actually end up stressing the female out by removing him so she eats the eggs/young.
To the OP, what size is the tank they're in? This will have a bearing on the advice you're getting.
They are in a 45 litre tank and I have just brought some smaller gravel for them can I just do a straight swap of the gravel once I have cleaned the new ones or will it change the water parameters
I have changed the tank like you all suggested and the first picture was before and the second picture is the new redesigned tank


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