Is this Ich?


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Nov 28, 2020
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Hi guys - just noticed this on my lil orange guppy Sully. Can't tell whether it's the start of Ich or not. Very hardy fish, one of the first we had actually last year, he's been through a big tank change already and he's always happy and darting about with his best mate Stitch (blue guppy). He's still very happy now, eating fine and playing in the stream of the filter, just can't tell if this is the first signs of Ich or not. Small white mark on his tail fin. Did a water change last weekend, everyone else seems fine and happy and parameters are spot on, just checked.



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Have you added anything to the tank in the last 2 weeks?
If not then it's unlikely to be white spot.

It doesn't look like white spot. The white mark looks too big and oval in shape. White spot looks like grains of salt sprinkled over the body and fins.
One red plant a week before last, no new fish for over a month. It could just be a bit of poop stuck to him, or food! I'll keep an eye on him, he's a hardy little bugger so I'll be able to tell if anything changes.
One red plant a week before last, no new fish for over a month. It could just be a bit of poop stuck to him, or food! I'll keep an eye on him, he's a hardy little bugger so I'll be able to tell if anything changes.
Also with ich, the outbreak can be crazy quick. went from observing no issues to 20 odd white spots on my worst affected phantom tetras overnight, so if it's still just 1 white spot and there aren't any on other fish, then it most likely isn't ich.
Also with ich, the outbreak can be crazy quick. went from observing no issues to 20 odd white spots on my worst affected phantom tetras overnight, so if it's still just 1 white spot and there aren't any on other fish, then it most likely isn't ich.
Ah okay - fair enough, thanks for the heads up, no more since yesterday anyhow! He seems as sprightly as ever this morning!
Ah okay - fair enough, thanks for the heads up, no more since yesterday anyhow! He seems as sprightly as ever this morning!
That's good to hear! I've started heat treatment with mine and the number of spots is slowly going down which is a relief. Ill post a picture so you can see what my worst affected tetra looked like.


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That's good to hear! I've started heat treatment with mine and the number of spots is slowly going down which is a relief. Ill post a picture so you can see what my worst affected tetra looked like.
Ouch, poor fellas, hope they recover soon! Beautiful fish - we've got two in our tank and they made friends with our silver shark when we introduced him to the tank a few months ago! They must think he's just a bigger version of them! I'd like to get some more at some point, we only got two at the time as we only had a 64L tank and wanted some other varities but we upgraded to a 168L back in April so the possibilities are endless! We've got a good mix at the minute!

How do you treat them for that may I ask?
Ouch, poor fellas, hope they recover soon! Beautiful fish - we've got two in our tank and they made friends with our silver shark when we introduced him to the tank a few months ago! They must think he's just a bigger version of them! I'd like to get some more at some point, we only got two at the time as we only had a 64L tank and wanted some other varities but we upgraded to a 168L back in April so the possibilities are endless! We've got a good mix at the minute!

How do you treat them for that may I ask?
Amazing! I can't wait to get my own place and get a large tank. I just finished university so Job and moving out is next on the bucket list haha. I have 7 of them and they seem to school together in only a 40L tank which is really nice to see. I only bought 6 as well, the lady at the store gave me a free one. What sort of aquascape do you have in the 168L?
Amazing! I can't wait to get my own place and get a large tank. I just finished university so Job and moving out is next on the bucket list haha. I have 7 of them and they seem to school together in only a 40L tank which is really nice to see. I only bought 6 as well, the lady at the store gave me a free one. What sort of aquascape do you have in the 168L?
Cool! They really are amazing in groups that size - always nice when you get something free from the store! Very nice, congratulations on finishing Uni, what did you study may I ask? Hopefully those pics display the aquascape well enough! Lots of live plants, plenty of hiding places and a colourful gravel base! Our bristlenose pleco is so good at hiding I've not seen him in two months - I was worried about him but I've been assured he's still about, just hiding. The other pleco is a cute little Clown Pleco/False Zebra, grumpy little sod, absolutely refuses to share his space with anyone!


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Cool! They really are amazing in groups that size - always nice when you get something free from the store! Very nice, congratulations on finishing Uni, what did you study may I ask? Hopefully those pics display the aquascape well enough! Lots of live plants, plenty of hiding places and a colourful gravel base! Our bristlenose pleco is so good at hiding I've not seen him in two months - I was worried about him but I've been assured he's still about, just hiding. The other pleco is a cute little Clown Pleco/False Zebra, grumpy little sod, absolutely refuses to share his space with anyone!
Looks really nice! I studied BSc Ocean Exploration and Surveying at Plymouth Uni and yea them bristlenose are very good at hiding, I purchased one a couple of weeks ago but it, unfortunately, passed within 6 hours and gave my tank ich, I'm just sorting out some bogwood and prepping it for the tank to add when I move home, kind of pooing myself about the move back home with my fish. But when it's sorted and I have my new pleco I'm sure it will be a much better experience.
Looks really nice! I studied BSc Ocean Exploration and Surveying at Plymouth Uni and yea them bristlenose are very good at hiding, I purchased one a couple of weeks ago but it, unfortunately, passed within 6 hours and gave my tank ich, I'm just sorting out some bogwood and prepping it for the tank to add when I move home, kind of pooing myself about the move back home with my fish. But when it's sorted and I have my new pleco I'm sure it will be a much better experience.
That is absolutely awesome - I would have loved to have done something like that! That is an insane achievement to have under your belt! Oh no, what a nightmare, sorry to hear! How soon do you move back? Absolutely - It will be thriving again before long!
That is absolutely awesome - I would have loved to have done something like that! That is an insane achievement to have under your belt! Oh no, what a nightmare, sorry to hear! How soon do you move back? Absolutely - It will be thriving again before long!
Moving back the 15th of august and yea im glad its finally over now, covid has ruined my last year though and were finishing our time together under isolation hahaha but its okay, Ive had a very good time, dont regret it one bit.
Moving back the 15th of august and yea im glad its finally over now, covid has ruined my last year though and were finishing our time together under isolation hahaha but its okay, Ive had a very good time, dont regret it one bit.
Cool! Good luck with the move, damn that's a shame about your final year - but glad you enjoyed it! Keep me updated on your Phantoms 🤟

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