Is This Ich


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2009
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Ich causes many small white sugar-like spots to appear on the body of the fish so the picture you have uploaded would more than likely be Ich. It is a very contagious disease so if you're dealing with Ich in your tank I'd highly recommend moving the unaffected stock before the disease transfers to them.
Ich causes many small white sugar-like spots to appear on the body of the fish so the picture you have uploaded would more than likely be Ich. It is a very contagious disease so if you're dealing with Ich in your tank I'd highly recommend moving the unaffected stock before the disease transfers to them.

If a tank has Ich then moving any fish out of that tank is simply going to spread the parasite to another tank!

If it is Ich, all fish need to treated in that same tank. The only time when you might seperate them is when there are sensitive fish present that would require half-dosing of medication, in which case treat the sensitive fish in a seperate half-dose quarantine tank, enabling you to normal dose the main tank.

Along with the meds, constant 84F or more temp for 14 continuous days and increased aeration (to fully saturate water with oxygen, as warmer water can hold less oxygen than typical 25C temperatures).
Agree with Goat.

Looks like ich. Treat the whole tank and in my experience be ready for it to take a full two weeks. I tried an organic treatment that was useless and did malachite green/formalin medication that is very common. I did full doses even with shrimp in there and everyone survived.

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