Is This Guppy Pregnant?


New Member
Jul 7, 2006
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A month ago i bought 2 female guppies, one was fat and one not so fat. The fat one looked pregant (was fat) but didn't show a dark gravid spot where as the assumed not-pregnant one had a gravid spot that was very dark. Why is this? Is it the other way around so that the not-pregnant one is and the fat one isnt? Kinda confused. Help appreciated.

Below is the fat female guppy. Sorry that the quality is bad, my camera phone was the only camera that was able to use as the digi camera was lost XD.

The fat one is on the left and skinny on the right.


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look for the gravid spot. If it is black then she has eggs. When the black turns brown, that means the eggs hatched and the babies will be coming out soon!
Yeah, I have one that has a rather clear/pinkish gravid spot. It is cool cause when she is close to dropping, you can see the eyes of the fry really clearly. I imagine the other one with the dark gravid spot is also pregnant, just not as far along.
Thanks for the replies. So the fat guppy with a clear and not so dark gravid spot is closer to birth than the one that has a darker gravid spot which is skinnier o_O".. Btw, do my guppies have some disease? They have some black stuff near their mouths; even though they can eat normally and all. Oh and how come when I wake up, and through the night I don't turn on lights (cos im cheap and dont have any tank lights) In the morning the females have black tails. Do they adapt to the dark or something o_O"? And, my male guppy has some disease, his skin sometimes become red then black and has white skin instead of normal skin. How can I treat it and what disease is it?
look for the gravid spot. If it is black then she has eggs. When the black turns brown, that means the eggs hatched and the babies will be coming out soon!

thats a real interesting fact :) we have 1 pregnant swordtail (we think ) she gave birth to a couple fry the day after we got her home but still has a black gravid spot

we got 3 female guppys yesterday , all 3 are pregnant lol

2 have black spots , 1 has a brown spot :)

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