Is This Good Setup?


Mostly New Member
Jun 16, 2013
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With my bad start on my first aquarium, I am going to start over again with a 12 gallon tank.
I am thinking between these two combinations:
1 x betta
6 x neon/cardinal tetras
4 x panda corydoras
1 x honey dwarf gourami (or if you can suggest any colorful centerpiece fish)
3 x male guppies
4 x panda corydoras
What do you think?
I would go with the second one only modified.

I'll start with plan 1,
The betta would be fine in there but I think that a 12 gallon is a bit small for neons. The same goes for the Panda cories. If you were to exchange the neons for green neons, ember tetras or other tiny tetras and exchange the panda cories for corydoras hasbrosus , pygmaeus or hastatus it would work. I would also add the corydoras number to 6 not 4.

Now for plan 2,
I would not do the dwarf gourami. IMHO it needs a 15 gallon. Dwarf gouramis are also quite fragile due to the very contagious and deadly dwarf gourami disease. You could put a honey gourami in there instead of a dwarf. The male guppies are fine. But as in plan 1 you'd need to exchange the PAnda cories for a dwarf species like hasbrosus , pygmaeus or hastatus.

Also if going with corydoras it's recommended that you get a school of 6 adding on to what talltree said, some very good advice ;)
Is there really no way to fit the panda cories in there? I'd really really love to have them 
You could. But it's REALLY pushing it. :/ I advise against it.
Do you already have this 12 gallon tank? If not great! Could you possibly afford a 20 gallon? Then you could get them. In a 12 it's just kind of pushing it. I've seen some mature pandas and they get veryyyyy big
I agree, if you really want panda corries try upgrading to a 20 gallon. In fact chances are you would be able to find a 20 gallon tank for cheaper than a 12 gallon tank because at least in my experience 20 gallons is a significantly more standard size when compared to a 12 gallon tank so as a result, you can usually get it for cheaper.
Best of luck!
I just ordered it, since it seems to be a bad idea to put them in 12 gallon I think I will return the 12 and get a 20.
If I were to switch to a 20 gallon tank, can I put 6 panda cories then?
Yup! Great idea mate! :good:
Just a bit of cory advice, they will be behave much more natural and look more happy if you use sand not gravel.
I just ordered a 20 gallon 

Now let's say I get 6 panda cories, what else can I put in it?
Ideally I would want a centerpiece fish + some other fish. What would be good for the tank size?
By the way, thanks for all the advice !
You're origonal choices would be good. You could up the numbers of the pandas and guppies/tetras as well as have your centerpiece. :)
More questions :D
Will blue or gold gourami fit in a 20 gallon or is the tank too small?
My husband and I would love to have a fish that could grow over time, which would be very satisfying. 
Sorry but golds and blues both get 6 inches which is to big for a 20G i would just stick with your first plan but switch the betta out for the gourami (or get the betta whatever one you like best) I would personally take the gourami they are adorable and make a good centerpiece fish (and bettas are WAY overdone). and if you want instead of getting 6 neons get 3 electric green tetras, look them up they are realy neat fish and 3 should do fine in a 20 long. anyway keep us updated on what you choose in the end and I hope to see a pic.

You could maybe fit 4 electric greens in a 20, not sure could somone else verify that for me lol havn't kept an eletric in awile.
Electric green tetras are just white skirt tetras. The tetra version of glo-fish (zebra danios) I believe they are injected with a jelly fish gene to make them glow. Also to up the price. A $1 fish that they're already making a profit on goes up to $7.50 here. I personally hate the idea of the glo-fish. But if you get them they're like any other tetra. 6 minimum.
hmmmmmm i knew they were chemically altered but thought they would be fine in a group of 4 ehhh learn something new every day, im more a big fish guy so not my expertise 20Gs are. 4000G pond and have had just about everything short of an arapaima in there lol

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