Is This Forum Been Ruined By Imature New Users?

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PleC & CorY MaD
May 4, 2008
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Pretty much as the titel says, who is getting a little fed up of it, new users coming in with arrogance and blantant disregard for fish, and the mods are letting them do it, even though various reports from various members have been made.

Few opinions on the matter or is it just me that thinks it?
ME its starting to ruin it for the honest sincere people who do actually need help or just a chat and a laugh its got to stop mods

Pretty much as the titel says, who is getting a little fed up of it, new users coming in with arrogance and blantant disregard for fish, and the mods are letting them do it, even though various reports from various members have been made.

Few opinions on the matter or is it just me that thinks it?

I know how you feel, about 30% of new forumers are either trolling/flaming or just not listening to the advice and try to disagree with the knowledgable fish keepers on this forum. :shout: Lol, my first rant on this forum :lol: It feels good :cool:
I hate n00bs..
I agree, there only seems to be a few actual hobbyists.
`go on mate get it out of your system lol

Im the easiest going person you will ever meet in your life, and nothink gets to me (really nothink), i will back up my end as much as the next but this forum is really starting to nark me off with the blatant disregard and the lack of doing anythink about it by the mods#

come on peeps get your opinions in before the mods remove this thread lol
I may not post very often but i do come on and have a read pretty much every day. It now takes a trawl through page after page before finding a remotely interesting or educational post.
I have met some great people on here and appretiate we all start somewhere, but is it too much to ask for people to actually read a couple of posts before posting the same questions over and over?
To then go further and either ignore the advice given or abuse the person providing just takes things to a different level and needs moderating
I may not post very often but i do come on and have a read pretty much every day. It now takes a trawl through page after page before finding a remotely interesting or educational post.
I have met some great people on here and appretiate we all start somewhere, but is it too much to ask for people to actually read a couple of posts before posting the same questions over and over?
To then go further and either ignore the advice given or abuse the person providing just takes things to a different level and needs moderating

couldnt agree more m8 :)
everything seems to be the same day in day out like deaths/disease/stocking help nobody bothers to do any kind of research before they buy anymore they just buy then ask this is why so many animals aquatic and land get dumped all the time , since april i have rescued 10 turtles from around the country and tons of fish
Only 3 things on here can EVER wind me up

1, People who've been doing this hobby for so many years that they know better than nature, or science, or anything else. If you CAN do something better for little effort then why not?

2. People who ask for help and then completely disregard it. If people make mistakes not knowing better then fine...(even people who stumble on the forum and don't think to search first...they're new yah know gotta give some slack). But people who should + do know better....grr!

3. People who result to childish and/or ridiculous remarks *sigh*

Surprisingly enough trolls don't annoy me. You know the people who post FOR a reaction. Like the guy awhile back...said he put some pirahna and something in a bucket? Can't remember now. But I figured if this is real then *here* is the info you need to put it right. N if it isn't (which I presumed it wasn't)...then so what. Clicked the 'x' mark top right n forgot about it.
ME its starting to ruin it for the honest sincere people who do actually need help or just a chat and a laugh its got to stop mods

Pretty much as the titel says, who is getting a little fed up of it, new users coming in with arrogance and blantant disregard for fish, and the mods are letting them do it, even though various reports from various members have been made.

Few opinions on the matter or is it just me that thinks it?

I know how you feel, about 30% of new forumers are either trolling/flaming or just not listening to the advice and try to disagree with the knowledgable fish keepers on this forum. :shout: Lol, my first rant on this forum :lol: It feels good :cool:

i have 2 agree with use there ive just been talking about this 2day with a m8 when i was looking up sumthin for him now there a forum onthe go about it :blink:
Meh its not different to any other big fish forum I use or have used when it comes to irresponsible noobs. Maybe its the fun police thats making it worse with all the "ok lets keep this conversation about fish only" posts.
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