Is This Fish Suitable?


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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This fish

For my 120L tank? I have 2 angelfish, 6danios, 1bn plec and 2 clown loach.

Really like the look of these! if they are not suitable are there any other fish with similar or other crazy colours?

Housing: The Red Tail Shark is a bottom dweller. They should be provided rocks and caves in order to stake out a territory. They do not harm live plants so you can use live or plastic plants. In an aquarium they are tolerant of standard aquarium conditions as long as the water is well filtered and partial water changes are conducted regularly. (Temperature: 74-80) (pH is 6.8-7.5) The Red Tail shark is known to jump so the aquarium should have a tight fitting cover. Small sharks can be kept is a 20 gallon tank. Adult sharks should have at least a 55 gallon.

Tankmates: Young specimens are peaceful community fish. As they grow they will stake out a territory and may fight other members of their own kind. It is best to keep only one Red Tail Shark, or one Red Rainbow Shark per tank, unless the tank is large. Groups of two are not recommended, but groups of 3 or more often work for a while when they are small. A partial list of tankmates may include gouramis, barbs, danios, rainbowfish, swordtails, clown loach, silver dollars, kribensis cichlids, corydoras cats, plecostomus cats. Adult sharks can be kept as single specimens with larger fish as long as they have plenty of hiding spots.
ive had a few of these sharks can be very active
he should be fine in your tank. A rainbow shark is a little less aggressive if you like a fish with a little more red, but ya, I don't see a problem
You'd be better off rehoming your clown loaches in the meantime, they're too active for a 120L tank IMO and are best kept in bigger groups. Not to mention the fact that they grow huge in the long run.

I don't see an issue with it, provided theres nothing else really competing for the bottom of the tank.
I'm a big fan of the RBS. The main thing to bear in mind is that as they get older they can become grumpy old men. They're usually no harm to most other fish, but they can get more teritorial as they get older.

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