Is This Fish Fry?


Mostly New Member
Jul 8, 2013
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Hi new to this site but have kept tropical fish for a few years and never seen fry before.

Is this fry that is on the pic? I have just been away for 3 weeks and while I was away my girlfriend told me that one of the gourmais looked extremely fat. Unfortunately this gourami died a few days later but since I've come back I've found what looks to be like fish eggs. Can anyone confirm this?

If so what is the best thing to do with them?


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Hard to see from the photo but they look like snails eggs?. Gouramis build bubble nests for their eggs before they lay. Sounds to me like the gourami may have died died from gourami disease (they swell up and die).
Ahh excellent thanks for that. I have an infestation of snails and am working hard to get rid of them. Put a few assassin snails in and will now remove these eggs.
Thanks a lot.
Also how does Gourami disease develop? Is it curable as I have the other one, who doesn't look too bad at the moment. Are there any precautions I should take?
What sort of gourami was it, OP?

Dwarf gouramis do suffer from a disease called iridovirus (it's often just called 'dwarf gourami disease') and it is, unfortunatley, incurable

Oh, and the eggs are definitely snail eggs, not fish.

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